Epilogue (One Year Later)

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          The next morning, the sun shining bright in the morning of the Hotel room. I couldn't help but smile, this is the day I'm getting married to Adam. After waiting nearly waiting two years just about to meet him, and now look at us. A couple of months after we meet, he proposed. Shifting beside, I turn to see Maya lying beside me.

She softly groans before I laugh slightly. Kayla already had her twins, they are so cute. Kayla named the girl Nina and the boy called Zac. Nina after her grandma who died and Zac after her little brother who passed away.

Sitting up in the bed, I then check the time. 09:48AM, sighing I then walk into the bathroom before turning the shower on. Stripping out of my shorts and tank top I then step into the bathroom before locking the door I then step into the shower, the hot water running down my back causing goose bumps to appear, I couldn't help but smile.

Today I will become Mrs Mitchell, his wife. After washing my hair, body and carefully shaving my legs I then step out before wrapping a towel around my hair and wrapping the gown around my body. Unlocking the door I then step out to see Maya lying in bed probably texting Luke who is staying with Adam. Connor and Kayla got their own room because of the babies.

Adam's best man is Chad, and my bridesmaids are Kayla and Maya. Maya sighs before she sets her phone down and she walks over to me. "How are you holding up?" She asks me before she then gathers towels for her shower.

Smiling I then walk over to the vanity. "I'm okay, a little nervous. But I'll feel better when I see Adam" I said, just saying his name brings joy to me.

Maya lets out a small laugh before she looks at me. "I'm going in for a shower, the make-up and hair woman will be here at half ten, which is twenty minutes away" She said before she then walks into the bathroom and a few seconds later I hear the water running. Plugging in the hair dryer in, I then blow dry my hair. When my hair is dried, the loud knocking on the door pulls me out of my thoughts.

Standing up, I re-adjust my gown before I then walk over to the door. Opening the door, I am meet by blue eyes belonging to Chad. "What are you doing here? Aren't you not meant to be with Adam?" I ask him.

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