Chapter Eleven: He's Never Been in Love

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"Oooh, what do you think of this?" You pointed to a shirt on a high rack.

"...Looks way last season."

"Mm, but I don't exactly keep up with trends..."

Flavio stood behind you with his arms crossed. "Clearly! I don't even see why we're shopping in a dreary place like this."

You shrugged, "We're in Chinatown. We live here."

"Which means we don't go shopping here, don't you know the rules? We're supposed to go to the outlets or to a mall with name brands," He finger-combed his blonde hair as he turned on his heel and stepped away from the aisle. "Tsk, tsk.  I thought I taught you better, honey."

You laughed as you followed him through the store. "You know, I think you're my first sassy gay friend."

At this, he swiveled back around to face you. "Hey!" He poked your forehead with his double-ringed finger, "I am bisexual, there's a difference." He flipped his scarf and turned back to keep walking.

You were still giggling as your phone vibrated with a new text message.

Zao: lets bang

You did a double take. The next moment, your phone buzzed again.

Zao: oops I meant hang

Zao: ...

Zao: no I didn't

You laughed. Well at least he found his phone, you thought, remembering that one night he got shit-faced and lost it for weeks.

Flavio peered down at your hands. "What's so funny?"

You kept your phone screen carefully hidden from him. "Nothin'."

"Bullshit." He lunged for your phone, ignored your squeal of protest, and snatched it from your palms. "Aha! Mr. Get-In-Your-Pants texted you. And... what, is he trying to be smooth?"

You grabbed it back. "I wouldn't call that 'trying'."

"Tell him we're near Brooklyn Place."

"Brooklyn?" You still weren't knowledgeable about the street names around here.

"Yes," He chuckled. "But careful not to say 'Broadway'; that's where the red light district is."

You bit your lip as you remembered Zao telling you about those. As soon as you sent the text, you suggested, "Hey, that place looks cool. Let's go there." You tugged him over to an Asian sweet shop next door.

After about ten minutes, you stumbled out with a bag of some neat Japanese candy. "Hn, enjoy those while you can. I'm trying to avoid carbs," Flavio commented as you two crossed the street. "Oh, and did Zao text you back?"

You checked your phone. "He said he's in the lighter shop."

He shivered, "Y'know, I'd hate to be in that place if a pyromaniac ever showed up."

"Why? Do you know any pyros?"

He stared at you with an unamused do-I-really-have-to-remind-you look on his face.

"Oh," You remembered. "Jin. I hope Zao never lets Jin inside a lighter shop."

A few minutes later, the two of you walked into the said shop. It was a small and square hole-in-the-wall type of store, but three out of the four walls were covered with shelves of different types of novelty lighters and flasks. Most of them were chrome and heavy duty. Glass showing cases served as counters near and around the cash register, and they displayed countless types of lighter accessories and high-quality cigars.

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