Chapter 4

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Finally it came the day of my birthday and the concert was tonight. I expressed my joy through wide smiles and jumping up and down.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY." I heard my whole family shout as they set a chocolate cake on the table in front of me, in the kitchen. my childish ways possessed me and I blew the candles out before they had even finished singing the traditional birthday song.

"Come on, Lasse and Julie have a surprise for you." Lasse is my eldest brother and Julie is my older sister. I rushed to the living room and collapsed on the sofa as Julie placed a tape in the DVD player. Moving pictures jumped around the screen. I saw my brother waving in screen.

"Hey baby sis. Today you're 15 and I hope you have a great birthday. Come and visit me in Iceland soon, I miss you." As he spoke, water blasted up behind him and he jumped. The video cut out to videos of me when I was a baby. Julie's voice was elegantly singing Taylor Swift's song 'Never grow up' behind the videos and photos of me growing up from when I was first born to very recently before I turned 15.

I wrapped my arms around my sister's shoulders and then face timed my brother to thank him for the video and to tell him I would travel to Iceland in the summer.

*later on*

I ran out of the car at the venue of the concert and stared around at all the beautiful ellioteers around me.

"Everyone else is so beautiful." I  whined to my sister, whom kindly agreed to go to the concert with me  since I knew no one in Finland.

"Ellie you are more beautiful than all of them." Julie smiled as I joined the line near the front since we were a few hours early. But this meant we would be at the front near the stage.

They finally opened the doors to the venue and I rushed in with my sister following behind. I was rushing to the front closest to the empty stage. I stared up overwhelmed...

Soon my sunshine would be singing on the black stage...

He will be so close to me and I'll be able to see his flawless features up close. His sharp, flawless jawline, his beautiful eyes and plump pink lips!


Hey, another chapter up for you. I hope you are enjoying this story and thank your for 100 reads already. It's only been 3 days of publishing this story 😱😳 I love you all. Also check out my other stories of Isac "To Be With You" and "Dangerous" ☺️

Much love
- Holly

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