Chaper 5

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The music to Save A Girl started and I jumped up and down. My sister was recording the whole concert since I couldn't stop crying and shaking.
I felt my heart beat palpitating at the speed of light in my chest as my sunshine, Isac ran out on the stage with a huge smile on his face. I stopped jumping and just continued crying.

Shit, my vision was completely blurred and I tried to vigorously swipe away the water sticking my eyelids together so I could see Isac.

Once Save A Girl finished, Isac jumped down off the stage to in front of the barrier rift in front of me. He was so close.
"Don't cry beautiful." He wrapped his arms around me for a second and then introduced the next song:

Tired Of missing You!

I couldn't believe it...

He just hugged me...

What is air? I thought trying to focus steadily on getting my breathing pattern back to mutual!

I listened carefully to his angelic voice singing all of his songs. Then he came to A.N.G.E.L.
I had already cried your heart out during the previous songs so my vision was back to perfect and I was able to notice his slender, toned body walking towards the end of the stage; he perched on the end of the stage letting his legs dangle over the side. He was a few inches away from where I was standing, since I was in the middle of the front row.

Isac stared into my eyes for the majority of the song and he even stared into my eyes through parachute! I don't even know what a normal heart rate is anymore...
"Okay guys and girls the last song is Party Alarm." He shouted, jumping around the stage. Balloons were flying around the audience and Isac threw one that hit me on the head. Not going to lie, he looked so cute when I noticed the panic on his face. It showed he actually cared about me. I just smiled at him to reassure him...

New part coming soon. ☺️

Much love
- Holly

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