Chapter 28- mistake

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Last night I cried and cried  and cried some more, how could he do this to me? She's pregnant, like what ? I still can't process this.

I stayed into my bed until I finally decided to go downstairs only to get some breakfast, I looked like shit but didn't care at all, the red puffiness under my eyes showed it all.My mom came up a few times but I just told her that I didn't want to talk about it, I think she knew I needed my space.

"Wow, she actually decides to get up at 2:30 in the evening" Cameron announces slouching on the couch , with Lucy sitting by his side. They didn't even turn to pay me any attention.

I just rolled my eyes, strolling into the kitchen and grabbing myself something to eat before going back to my room. I turned back on my phone , greeted by about 50 messages, 90% mostly from Kyle and the 10% from Luke, Madison, Bethany and 2 from Kat? She hasn't spoken to me in like 2 months.

What could she possibly want? Ignoring Kyle's messages, I quickly replied to the rest confirming that I'm fine. Yeah right, they know I'm lying.

I opened the Kat's message expecting some apology sob story but no, instead I was greeted with this:

Could you  pass a message on to Kyle, and tell him to answer his phone because I need to talk to him about our baby and how we are going to go from here.

Lindsay xxx

I scowled at the message, tears brimming my eyes, as I opened the other message.

Oops, I'm sorry wrong person, was supposed to send it to Luke, but surely you can pass on the message😊

Lindsay xx

More tears streamed down my face, is she serious I threw my phone somewhere on my bed. Falling back into my bed sheets.

"Knock, Knock" someone said peeking their head round the door. "Your mom let me in, I just wanted to check on you because you looked pretty broken yesterday " he said sheepishly.

" I look a mess Isaac" I softly sobbed."He doesn't love me anymore, he fucking went and got someone else pregnant. How could he?" I continued.

"It's ok, it'll be ok" he confirmed," I really hope it will"I commented . He tilted my head back, staring deeply into my brown  eyes, I stared back into his electric blue ones. He slowly wiped away my salty tears. 

He leaned in towards me, I should be stopping this, this isn't right. My breath hitched, as he leaned closer his lips touching mine softly whilst his hand caressed my cheek, kissing me deeper

"Demi!" I heard my dad  call from downstairs and we both jerked back.

Oh shit what if he came upstairs and caught us. He looked at me apologetically as if he regretted our kiss. Did he only kiss me because I was vulnerable, in a distraught state, because I needed comforting or did he kiss me because he had feelings? I thought deeply I was cut off by him speaking.

"I gotta go, I'm sorry I-uh I'll text you later yeah?" He scrambled off my bed mumbling.

I scurried off the bed and dashed out of the door.
"Kyle was asking for you, he and Luke are downstairs in the game room".

Well what the fuck does he want? I don't even want to see him.

I shouldn't see him, I feel guilty for kissing Isaac,I really don't want to face him right about now. Actually who am I kidding why would I want to see him, he's already gone and gotten someone else pregnant he can go and spend some time with her instead.

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