Chapter 7-apologies&jealousy

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Kyle's POV

"Yeah man I know I'm dead-they're going to kill me-"

"You got that right" Chase snickered

"They told me that I couldn't date her but oh well I don't care what they say and the only one who really know that I have feelings for her is Luke, my best bud" I pointed out.

Demi's POV

"OMG .. you go girl,she was definitely pushing your button" Madison squealed

"Well that took some balls" I gulped sitting back down in my seat, adjusting my flannel around my waist and fiddling with the loose string I my shirt

"It sure did" Kat added. Walking over to the bin

"Well guys, me and Bethany are going to the library to finish off our project" Madison spoke

"Okay bye we're going to head out to the field" I replied looking over at Kat as we walked out to the HUGE field, waving at Madi and Bethany behind me.


"She was being such a bitch to me. Kat, remember when we went shopping a few days ago?" I asked a little shaky , taking a seat on the bench.


"Well she was at my house with Kyle and she called me a slut and that I was worthless and Calum, my own flesh and blood agreed with her—I - was so hurt. but he was drunk Kat, I only was out for an hour and he had already gotten drunk and we weren't even at a party!" I stuttered

"Well what did Kyle do?" She asked picking at the grass

"Nothing, he just sat there and looked at me he didn't even stick up for me, my brothers were in the game room"

"I went upstairs to my bathroom and cut my self I was so angry. I screamed and fainted " I croaked this point I was on the edge of crying as I pulled up my sleeve and she gasped

"Hey. it's ok it's ok, I'm here for you" she enveloped me into a hug. The rest of lunchtime consisted of Kat telling me about Jake. Wow she really loves this guy, she won't stop blabbering on about him. They look so cute together, I wish I could find someone like him, just the way that he looks at her and smiles when she smiles.


"What are you doing?" Cameron asked as I messed with the radio stations . I know he was getting annoyed.

"Trying to find a good station" I huffed

"Quit it!" I whined turning around and glaring at the boys.

"Stop kicking my chair!" I groaned angrily

"Woah, someone's having a bad day?" Austin stated putting his hands up in surrender.I turned around and eyed Kyle up and down.

"Hmm ... yeah kind of, first it was-" I sighed "never mind, just the normal....Cruella was just being Cruella"

"Who's cru-" Calum asked and I cut him off

"Oh by Cruella, I mean Lindsay"I said

"Umm..Kyle I appreciate if you and your 'girlfriend' wouldn't make out in front of my classroom " I hissed venom dripping off my words and gosh that 'g' word tasted awful.

"I told you already she's not my girlfriend" he protested

"Well that's not what she told me" I sassed flicking my hair whilst turning around in my seat. I was getting angry now.

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