Chapter 31-wait.... what?!

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Hey, I made it longer bc I owed you guys x

I woke up in a bad mood, I didn't get any sleep last night, tossing a turning trying to find a comfortable spot. I'm currently at Kyle's, who isn't even in bed right now.

I tossed and turned still trying to get comfortable. I sighed stripping the covers off my hot body. Trotting over to the bathroom and splashing some cold water on my face then drying it.

I grabbed my phone off the bed, then strolled down the stairs. Where I saw Mrs E sitting on the couch watching TV. "Morning Mrs E" I spoke groggily, walking down the stairs.

"Oh, hello sweetheart , Kyle's gone out to get you some breakfast" she said a pearly smile pressed on her face.

"Oh alright"

"Anyway I was thinking that we should have a baby shower for this little one, I know it's a little bit early maybe in two more months" she squealed rubbing my stomach. I actually haven't realised how big I've gotten throughout these days, now that I'm thinking about it I might just have a baby shower.

"What have you been thinking exactly?"

"I was thinking we could have it here, if that's ok with you and your mom" she smiled

"I'll ask my mom " I smiled knowing that they both wanted to plan it. I walked over to the kitchen grabbing the carton of OJ, pouring myself a refreshing drink.

Kyle came through the door, holding a bag in his hand and the other was a food bag. He placed the food bag on the kitchen counter kissed me on my cheek and he rushed upstairs with the other one.

"What's that?" I questioned hopping down off the chair.

"Nothing babe" he mumbled shutting his bedroom door. Hmm alright.

For the past few days he's been coming back to my or his house late and he even missed our lunch date.
I was currently at his house alone yeah I know right you would think why are you there alone. Well his parents have gone out to a business party, I mean why are our parents so engaged into work? And for Kyle, he's gone out again kissed me on my cheek and told me he would be 30 mins, it's been an hour and a half later and he still hasn't come back. It's currently raining. Heavily. So hopefully he'll be back soon.

I heard a car pull up outside the house, quickly sprinting from the couch I peeked at the window seeing him exit someone else's car , wait.

Is that ? Yes, it's Alex.

I'm getting beyond pissed off.
what if he's cheating ?

Ok Demi lets not jump to conclusions, I assured myself slouching on the couch watching the ending of the other women , when I heard a distant noise of the door slamming shut. He let out a harsh sigh dropping his keys on the table.

"Where have you been? I thought we were going to have a chill day today?" I complained

He sighed angrily rubbing his temples " I'm not really in the mood for this can we talk later".

"NO we can't talk later" I shouted getting annoyed

"Demi" he growled annoyed

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