Chapter 6: Unknown Whereabouts

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Isla stabbed the charcoal heap deposited on her plate. Her fork grazed the surface, the breakfast meat too dense for penetration. Frowning, she dropped the fork and pushed the plate away. Disgusting, but who would expect better?

She sighed, surveying the empty tavern. Thankfully, the appalling smell of stale beer mixed with vomit had disappeared overnight. Well, more like subdued. She would be shocked if the nose wrinkling stench ever vanished.

Isla's attention flickered right as the stairs creaked and Rydin descended. He stopped before Callum, the two exchanging inaudible words. The bear-like man leaned against the countertop, his arms crossed. Rydin shook his head, his hands raising into a pleading act. Yet, their conversation ended without further interaction and Rydin stalked towards her.

Rydin sagged onto the opposing bench. "That could have gone better," he grimaced.

Isla observed him, her hands cupping the mug of ice water. "What'd he say?"

"He thinks it's a dangerous idea and can't agree to help us."

She took a sip of water, her gaze never straying from Rydin. "I see."

Rydin sulked. "What do we do now?"

Her mouth opened, ready to voice her direction, but the door banged open and Eve rushed in. Eve's flushed face and frantic gaze swept through the room, landing on them. Isla froze, her body stiffening.



"Behind you."

He slid around as Callum approached Eve. "Is something wrong?" Rydin questioned.

Eve stepped forward, her hand clenching her brown shawl. "Oh, Rydin, dear."

Isla narrowed her eyes at the woman. Why was she here?

"Ha'e a seat love," Callum said, leading Eve by hand to the table.

"What's wrong? Is it Leef?"

Eve collapsed before them, her hands shaking as she clasped them together. "I'm so sorry Rydin. Leef—your little brother—is missing."

The color faded from Rydin's face. "What happened?"

"I'm so sorry," Eve murmured as she dropped her head.

"Don' worry, just tell them the truth," Callum added while rubbing her back.

She nodded, her body trembling. "Yes, of course." Her posture straightened and she stared straight, her gaze still wavering. "After you left, I stayed beside Leef until he fell asleep. The poor boy cried himself to sleep. I knew time would help, I thought he'd manage, but when I went to wake Leef and Vale for breakfast this morning. They were both gone. Even little Sena too."

"You didn't hear them leave?" Isla questioned.

"I'm afraid not. But I found the backdoor unlatched."

"Who's Vale and Sena? Could they have taken Leef someplace?" Rydin interrogated.

"No, they wouldn't do such. Those two would never do something dangerous. Vale knows this city, even better than me. And if Sena was with him, Vale would be careful, for her sake."

"What about the city guards? Have they been notified?" Isla inquired.

Eve hesitated a split second. "Well, not yet. You see, protection within the lower levels isn't maintained by them. We rely on others for this." Her gaze shifted, peering at Callum for assistance.

"Aye, that'd be us," Callum stated, his brogue thick. "Our group keeps the order here."

"How? What authority do you have?"

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