Chapter 3- The New Mission

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Shiaye's P.O.V.

Just walking through the gates tot he village, I could see a major difference. The rubble that covered the ground wasn't there and building were being built. It was amazing how far the progress has come.

I walked around the dirt until I saw someone I wanted to see. He was kinda staring off into space. I smirked walking up to him quietly before jumping on his back.

"Hey! Hey! Cut it out!" I laugh as he flips out. Letting go I fixed my shirt and pulled my bag back around.

"Shiaye!" Next thing I knew was that Naruto was picking me up and twirling me around in a hug. "Hi Naruto." I say as he puts me down. "Has it already been a month and a half? I must have lost track of my days."

"No it hasn't I got called back because of a mission. I'm not enjoying it and Gaara is angry about it." I sigh looking down. Naruto turned around glaring at the new Hokage's building.

"If Tsunade was in charge, she would have never done that to you. Ever." Naruto says putting his hand on my shoulder. I smile at him nodding. We started walking and talking before two people came in front of us.

"Those people are from the Cloud." I state looking at their headbands. "That's her Omoi! That's another Uchiha!" The girl with bright red hair yelled before stomping over to me.

Naruto stepped in front of me as she stopped. "Stop protecting that bastard." She said in a low voice. "Karui, don't do this here." The guy behind her sighs biting on his sucker.

Karui turned around looking at him. "Why should I spare her? She's related to the guy who killed Killer Bee." My eyes widen hearing those words. What had Sasuke done? Why did he kill someone!?

"What are you talking about?" I ask getting defensive about my blood line. "I said, you're brother killed Killer Bee. He was the holder of the 8 tails." Karui says before smirking.

"Of course you wouldn't know that because you've been on your sweet little island with you new husband enjoying your perfect life while others had it deffer." She says pointing her finger at me.

Shiki and I growled together as our temper went out the window. "No one has a perfect life bitch!" I yell pulling my fist back as I get close to her. Before I could do anything, something white grabs me and backs me away.

"That's enough Shiaye. You've only been here twenty minutes and you're causing havoc." Kakashi says trying to get me to calm down. It looks like the chick was in the same spot. Omoi was holding her back as she still had her fist in the air.

"Go ahead and call my brother a killer and a traitor, but you won't get to far." I say breaking free from Kakashi as she smirks. "All Uchiha's are killers and traitors." She broke from her friends arms as we both had our fists back.

"Stop!" Naruto yelled and before I could stop my punch, my fist collided with his face. And, so did hers.

"Naruto I'm sorry." I say holding his face as Karui smirked going back to her friends side. "The guy should learn not to get involved in us girls fights." She says before walking off, but not without a glare.

"It's fine Shiaye." Naruto says groaning. A bruise was starting to show on both of his cheeks. A sigh comes from behind me. I turn to see Kakashi shaking his head.

"I know how you are on those things, but you can't just lash out on visitors." He says rubbing his temples. "In my defenses, she started it by pointing her finger at me."

"Shiaye Uchiha, you're suppose to be in the Hokage's office." I turn my head to see an Anbu standing behind me. A sigh escapes my lips as I let my anger simmer. "See you around." I say before smoke comes around me.

"You're here." I hear his disgusting voice say as I glare daggers at him. "This better be good Danzo." He stares at me before moving somethings around.

"You are being promoted to Anbu. I will go through with the last Hokages wishes and put you in another group that is not mine." A sense of relief went through me knowing this.

"But, as you're first mission, you will take me to the Five Kage Summit along with two others. When the meeting is over, you can go back to the Sand. You will stay there for at least a week before returning." Danzo finishes.

So there was a reward at the end of this. He knew how to pull the right strings, but then again, he's been doing it for years.

"Alright." I say before he nods before holding out a scroll. "This is your form providing evidence that you are in Anbu. You will have to get the symbol put on soon. When you return from the Sand, you will be given a uniform."

I take the scroll before opening it. Everything seemed okay.

"We'll be leaving the village in about an hour to go to the Land of Iron. It's snowing over there so be sure to pack appropitly." Danzo says as I turn around.

"You might as well get use to me being Hokage Shiaye. I do not plan on stepping down for a while." He says as I shut the door. 'We'll see about that.'

I walk down the stairs before going into one of the bathrooms to change into my mission outfit. Instead of it being a short sleeve outfit, it was long sleve to keep me covered from the snow we were going into.

I summon a scarf my mother made me when I was little before slipping it on. Summoning my show caps, I put them on the tops of my shoes before sighing.

"I hate these things." I mumble recalling the last time I had to use them before shivering. Going back into the snow isn't making me happy.

I attached my sword to my waist before tiying Gaara bandana around my wasit and putting away my bag.

"We're leaving now." Danzo say turning to two men. One has bright orange hair and yellow eyes and the other had a mask covering the top half of his face with some of his black hair hanging out the top. "This is Fū Yamanaka and this is Torune Aburame. They will be traveling with us."

I looked over toward Danzo and nodded. "We best get on our way. We have to get there as soon as possible." Danzo started to walk on.

Within forty minutes of our travel, we got ambushed but reouge ninja.

"All of you turn around. I'll take care of this." I look at him before turning around and keeping my senses on high alert. He hasn't earned my trust yet, and he never will!

Soon, lost of thuds were heard. Danzo walked by me fixing his bandages over his arm. "Let us continue." He didn't even break a sweat!

That chakra... It's so familiar...


Chapter 3 - The New Mission

Dedicated To: Yami_Fumetsu_10

Dates Written: 12/13/-12/28/15

Date Published: 12/28/15

Song:  Naruto Shippuden AMV - A Little Faster

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(Picture to the side is Shiaye scarf her mother made for her)

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