Chapter 25 - Vanish

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The dust cleared making Team Seven look around. Kaguya was no more. Sunlight poked through the clouds making Shiaye look up. "I had almost forgotten what the sun felt like." She mumbles before falling to her knees.

"Shiaye!" Her team mate yelled in sync before Sakura was by her side. A green glow covered her hands as she grunted. "Why can't I stop it?" Sakura questioned before Shiaye took her hand off her. "It.. It won't help."

Kakashi jumped down towards his team before going down beside Shiaye. "Sakura, do you have enough chakra to heal her wounds?" Sakura nodded before starting on Shiayes arms. "Sakura." Shiaye stood up, face twisted in pain.

"Shiaye, she need to heal your wounds." Naruto says holding onto his friend. "I don't need it right now!" Shiaye shoved Naruto away before walking past Sasuke. "Shiaye stop!" Naruto shouted.

"Don't tell my sister what to do Naruto." Sasuke says in a deadly voice before walking towards Shiaye. "Where are you going?" Sakura asked looking at the two Uchiha. "To finish what I came here for." Sasuke says making Shiaye stop and turn around.

"You're not serious are you?!" Shiaye yelled walking towards him. "I thought you said you would come back!" Shiaye screamed in his face making Sasuke grab her. "I want peace Shiaye." Sasuke says making Shiayes face soften.

"Then stop." Naruto says walking toward the two. "I told you Sasuke. Take your hate out on me." Sasuke looked at Naruto before he pushed his sister away gently. "We'll finish this where we started it."

"Sasuke?" Shiaye asked before she realized what he meant. "No!" She yelled, but it was too late. They were already gone. To The Valley of The End.

"What are they doing?" Sakura asked Shiaye making her look at Kakashi, ignoring Sakura. "Take me to them! Now!" Shiaye demanded. No one moved. A growl left Shiayes mouth as she started to walk in the direction of the Valley.

It wasn't far, but without chakra, it took ages for her to get there.



Light filled the sky as Shiaye shielded herself. Rocks came flying everywhere as the mountain she was standing on started to collapse. Panic arose in her as she tried to reach out for something to grab.

Her hands flew over many things before she found a vine. Air went around her as she looked down at her brother and friend. They were both laying down as blood ran in between them. Shiaye pulled herself up before looking over the edge.

"What happened here?" Kakashi asked walking up behind her. "They did it. They finally did it." Shiaye says with a smile gracing her face. "He's coming home. Finally." Kakashi says making Shiaye look at him as Sakura goes down to them.

"How are you feeling?" Kakashi asked looking at the tattoo on her hand. "Powerless. Weak. Unhappy, but still happy." Shiaye responds looking down at her team. "But, I'm alive." She says as Naruto and Sasuke stand up. Sakura attached a black Zetzu arm to them before they looked at each other.

Team Seven walked back to the place where everyone was dreaming dreams of love and happiness. "It's time they woke up." Sasuke says putting his hand out to Naruto. "I agree." Naruto made the signs with Naruto before the wrapping fell off everyone.

Shiaye walk forward looking around for her red haired lover, but couldn't find him anywhere. "Shika, have you seen Gaara anywhere?" Shiaye walked up to her friend making him turn around.

"Are you going home Sasuke?" Gaara asked making the Uchiha turn around. "Yes. I am." Sasuke says walking towards him, leaving Naruto and Kakashi alone. "That will make Shiaye happy."

"She's going to need all the support she can get right now anyways." Sasuke says catching a glimpse of his sister talking to Shikamaru. "What do you mean? Is it because she's pregnant? I can deal with that."

"No. I know you can. But," Sasuke trailed off looking at Gaara. "Do you not feel it yet?" Gaara looked at his brother in law strangely. "What do you mean?"

"Just look at her Gaara." Sasuke says before they both look at Shiaye. "Her face is sunken in a bit. She's tiny. Just look at her legs and tell me their not holding on by a strand."

"She lost her chakra." Sasuke says as Gaara glances at him before looking back at Shiaye. A smile made it's way onto her face as she made eye contact with him, but quickly faded as she saw his expression.

"I never got to thank you." Gaara look at Sasuke. "For what?"

"For protecting my sister while I was off being an idiot."

"No problem.. Brother." Gaara says making Sasuke frown. "No." And soon, they were laughing.

"Gaara!" Shiaye jumped on him as he wrapped his hands around her. Sasuke smiled before walking towards Naruto. Gaara let go of Shiaye, but not before putting her down gently. He grabbed her face and gently rubbed it with the pads of his thumbs.

"I don't want to talk about it." Shiaye says stepping away from Gaara and smiling. "I want to go home."  Gaara smiled before bringing her to him and smiling. "Sure."

Shiaye smiled before her face twisted in pain. She squatted down holding her stomach. "Shiaye?!" Gaara asked in panic going down next to her. "Shiaye?" Sasuke sat down next to her as she looked up at him.

'Please.' She mouthed out to him and before anything else could happen, Shiaye and Sasuke were gone.

"Shiaye?" Gaara asked looking around in search of his wife. "Shiaye?!" He stood up before looking at Naruto and Kakashi. "They just vanished. I can't sense their chakra anywhere." Naruto says looking around.

"Where did Orochimaru and them go?" Sakura questioned looking at the spot where Orochimaru and team Taka use to be.  "Sasuke wouldn't have gone with them. Besides they left right after they were awoken." Sakura explains to Gaara.

"I'm sure they'll return soon Gaara." Kakashi says to him as Gaaras forehead forms wrinkles. "She was in pain."

"Sasuke knows how Shiaye works. She'll be fine Gaara."


Chapter  25 - Vanish

Dedicated To:

Dates Written: 8/27/16

Date Published: 8/27/16

Song: Shikamaru AMV "Revenge" ◣Invaesion◥ - Shinobi AMV ★ Star

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