Chapter 5 - Sasuke VS Kage

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Shiaye's P.O.V.

I stood there in horror looking at my brother. His ora is so dark and scary. What really happened while I was out on an island?

"I'm very aggravated right now. I don't think I can hold back on you." Sasuke says walking towards the guards. Aggravated? Did I do that or did what's his face do that? Sasuke looks at me out of the corner of his eye making a chill go down my spine.

"We could say the same to you." One of the guards says throwing his chakra in blades towards my brother. Sasuke drew his sword putting lightning through it before he sliced through the chakra. Just as this happened, his chakra deepened.

Sasuke ran at them slicing through each of them leaving me in shock. His anger is out of control and he is in the house full of all five Kage. He needs a clear head if I'm still going to have a brother after today.

Plus.. I could see he hated killing people.. Even when his head was like this.

Something jumped in front of Sasuke making clouds of dust fly up as chakra hit them. Jugo was standing in front of my brother with his arm up and his curse mark activated. He's going to go crazy!

That's when I felt something upstairs. I moved more behind the stone pillar as rocks and dust went around me.

"Alright kid! I'm going to teach you all about real furry!" The Raikage yells making my eyes go wide. No! I walk around the stone pillar looking out to see Sasuke running at him. I wish I could stop him, but I can't. "I can't do anything." I mumble looking down at my stomach.

Darui started to make signs before water flooded out of his mouth. Sasuke was caught up in it before lightning came out of Darui's mouth. I gasp seeing him get thrown back from the justu but not being effected much. You're lucky you have lightning style you idiot!

C made hand signs before a bright light went around the room. Genjustu! I covered my eyes before everything went back to normal. "Calm down Jugo, it's only genjutsu." Sasuke says standing up before getting angry at Suigetsu. That's when I noticed Jugo transforming more.

Is that really what it's like to use the curse mark? I'm so glad Itachi took it away from mine before it got a chance to take over me.

"Now who's first?!" Jugo yells as chakra leaks out of the holes on his back. Whoa! The Raikage was at his face in two second. "You need to be taught a lesson!" The Raikage yelled before punching Jugo back into the wall creating another dust cloud.

Jugo was fighting off the Raikage on a slim lining. The Raikages arm went into Jugo's arm before it went through his body. I flinched as blood trickled from his mouth. The Raikage looked up towards my brother sitting on the wall.

Sasuke had a hand sign up collecting and focusing his chakra. Is he going to use it?! My body jumping in joy but soon stopped knowing what that meant. He'll crush everyone in this place, and I don't think he cares at the moment. And that thought scared me.

Something bright caught my attention making me look down at Jugo. The holes in his back had grown and turned towards the front as bright orbs of light were coming from each of them.


Jugo yelled as heat went through the air as I held onto the pillar. 'This is insane!' I yell to myself. A soft thud followed by a yell made me look towards Darui and C. C was on the ground as the word genjustu was written all over him.

A big crack made me look towards my brother. There's too much going on! Jugo was in the wall as the Raikage faced my brother. My nerves went out the door as I actually feared for my brother. I know he could do it, but what I'm afraid of is the things he plans to do after.

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