Thoughts From The Author.

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This will become my Authors Note Page! I have done this with the other two books.

June 12, 2016

So I just wanted to put this out so you can look at the last chapter.. for some reason when I went back to read it, it didn't have the full chapter on it. I don't know if it did this to you guys... but I fixed it if it did.

If it doesn't have that little ending organization thing than it is not a full chapter! If it happens again, please let me know!

Have A Great Day!

June 22, 2016

I just want to write this, and some of you may not see it until later, because it needs to be out there. I started writing this book when I was in seventh grade, close to the end of it tbh.. I'm now entering eleventh grade..

I'm starting to become drained from it.

So don't be surprised if I end up ending this book early.. I just can't write something that I don't have much inspiration for. These past couple months have been hell for me because I don't have any motivation and I won't get into the reasons why.

I just wanted to give you a heads up, because I'm really thinking about giving you the ending and quitting the Flames Series. It's a hard thing for me to do because these books have become a big part of me.

Don't worry, I have more books planed. (Most of them are not Naruto. I've been writing that story for too long. I do have some for you Naruto fans though.)

I'm sorry for this big news being pushed in your face. If any of you have any questions, feel free to comment or message me!

Have A Great Day!

July 18, 2016

Hi guys! There are only twenty chapters left in the manga so... There's not that many chapter for this book left. I was planning on making another book for this series, but I think I'm going to just write it in with this book. So after This book is done, there will be the next book in this book...

Unless you want me to make a whole new book thing.

I can do that too.

Umm... I do want to put in the small part that Shiaye has for The Last and Baruto, well she has more planed in Baruto. If I do write that, it will be put in this book. (Or another one. I just might make another one.)

I think that once I get this book completed, I will mark it complete but I may change my mind. I did have other movies planed to write, but this year just kinda kicked me and I'm becoming a little.. well... I'm just having a lot of writers block, but I know what I want to put into the chapter.

It's just the actually writing part I'm having trouble with.

Give me your opinion on the whole next book thingy!

Gosh this one is long.. Have A Great Day!

Added August 22, 2016

Hey Everyone! I wanted to let you know I'm still active! I've just started school.. So I'm focusing on that right now. I do have some of the next chapter written, it's just finding time to finish it. 

I will finish it. 

The night that I don't have homework, or this Saturday, I will work on it. I pinky promise. That's not saying the next chapter is going to be published then, but I will try. Just wanted to clarify my promise. Because I don't go back on my ninja words. ;)

Have A Great Day!

Added August 27, 2016

Hey Everyone! I have the next chapter completed, but I'm not going to publish it until later tonight. I was thinking in 4 hours. So around 11 Eastern Time for US.

Trying to write another chapter to post along with it, but I don't know if it'll happen.

There are not many chapter left of this book. Meaning, it's almost over. I do have to write the rest of Freedom and then it will be up. And I'll be officially done with the Flames series. (Or will I?) Probably will be tho.

Added September 18, 2016

Hey You! Yes you! Hi.

So There is another update! Um.. yeah.. I think that I need to put this out there again just because I took so long to update.  I'm becoming more and more well.. I'm having a lot of writers block on this story.

And yet I still have one more short book to write after this. And I'm writing it because I don't want to leave you all the way I'm planing on leaving you.

I will get it done. I do promise you this. But once I get it done, Imma take a break. For myself.

I've had some stuff going on for quite a long time I haven't had the chance to resolve in my life, so I plan to do that. So you have been warned to why I might go off the grid for a few when this story is completely over.

Have A Great Day!

(Added December 23, 2016)

Hello everyone! This is it! The ending of the book! Now, I have a propoasal for you.. Do you wanna see another part? I did plan on writitng a small thing for The Last and Baroto Movies. And I also have something written up on a year after this last chapter it has cool stuff I think.

If you'd like that, I'd be happy to finish it.

I'm going to aplologize for this book taking so long to complete. I would have random spurts of inspiration and then it would go away. Poof..

But anyways, if you don't want that extra short book, this is the end of the flames seris.. Wow.. Four years basically Ive spent on these books.. I don't know what to do now hahaha.

Thank you for going on this amazing journey with me! I love every single one of you! If you're one of the people who stuck with me thoughout the whole journey, I give you my love! You're the real MVP! I know there are very few of you.

If you haven't gotten a dedication, I'm so sorry! If i do the small book, you will get one! I only have maybe three people ish written down.

Thank you once again for everything! I wouldn't be here without you all! I love you bunches and... Have A Great Day!

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