Chapter 14 - Family

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Shiaye's P.O.V.

Everything was white. Literally. I felt as if I was floating in the sun because of how bright it was. I held my hand up looking down at it. It felt so light. What happened to me anyways?

Pain. That's what I felt trying to recall it. It was such a weird feeling though. It was different from the pain I usually felt. This pain wasn't in my head. It was in my chest. A heartbeat? That can't be. I have no heartbeat.

As soon as I thought this, I could feel the pain tightening in my chest before a sound went through my ears.

 Thump. Thump. Thump. 

Why did I have a heart? I shouldn't have one. I haven't ever had one. I've been an empty shell every since I could remember. 

The thumping died down and I could only hear it a little bit. This made me wonder about it even more. Laughing distracted me from my search for answers. The laughing was so familiar. My family. Itachi, ShiSui, grandma, grandpa, my cousins. Why could I hear them? They were all dead.

Am I dead?

"You have to die Shiaye. It's time that you know the truth. There is no reason for you to be in the shadows anymore. The Uchiha are long gone." 

ShiSui told me I had to die. So, I must be dead, right? I am dead. I remember now!

Madara finished me. He took Shiki from me. He is using Shiki to kill everyone, and it's all for my selfish needs.

The world around me faded into a creamy color before it went a little black with only a small light in the corner of my view. A small lamp was lit beside me making me stare at it. Slowly I sat up looking around. 

I was in my room. It's was the same as I had left it before it was ripped away by Pein. Sadness went though me as I looked around before my eyes landed on the picture on top of my dresser. Gaara and I were so happy looking. It was a picture of the time I went to the village for his Kazekage coronation.

That was the day he asked me to marry him.

I pushed myself up from the bed and look down to see I was dressed in a white dress that went down to my knees. But, that wasn't my main concern right now. My main concern was my stomach. I had gotten pregnant maybe two months ago and it was a little big for that. That made me worry.

Did the jutsu do something to it?

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Did the jutsu do something to it?

I walked towards my door and opened it before walking down the hallway and into the living room. No one was in here, but I could hear people talking in the main dining room. I opened the door and was met with silent eyes.

I looked towards Itachi and he smiled at me before standing up and coming over to me. He embraced me in a hug that I felt lasted for ages, but I didn't care. I was in my brothers arms again.

"It's been a few days and you're hugging me like I've been gone for years." Itachi said laughing a little. "It felt like years Itachi." I respond smiling as he lets go of me. "No hug for me?" I smiled going around my brother and looking at the man who meant a lot to me.

"I don't know if you get a hug." ShiSui smiled at me before walking towards me and hugging me. He still smelt the same as the last night I saw him. "Mom is in the kitchen. I'm sure she'd like to see you, of course in a hundred years though."

I pull back from Itachi and punch him lightly in the shoulder. I hugged everyone before going towards the kitchen door. I haven't seen her in so long, and I'm kinda scared.

I sighed opening the door and in that instance, my mothers cooking filled my lungs. "Mom." She stopped chopping carrots and turned towards me before covering her mouth with her hand. "Shiaye, is it really you?" I nodded my head before she came over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you mom," I say wrapping my arms around her as I felt tears prick my eyes. "I missed you too Shiaye." She pulled back smiling before looking down at my stomach. "Oh Shiaye. You're pregnant." 

"She's what?" I freeze hearing that voice, but I didn't feel any fear. I only felt comfort and happiness. This was a strange feel, but it wasn't. "Hello dear." My mother walked out of my sight as a kiss could be heard. 

"Shiaye?" My mothers voice sounded concerned as I stared at the floor with my towards them. My father cleared his throat before my mother walked out. "Let's go outside." He says before footsteps could be heard. I sighed before following after him. 

"Don't be too hard on his Shiaye." ShiSui says to me as he grabs my wrist. I nod my head before walking outside and closing the door. I looked around trying to find my father, but I couldn't find him. Walking around the back yard, I finally saw him.

He was waiting for me at the edge of the house. I sighed walking towards him and following him through the trees to the flower field behind he house. Stopping I looked around at all of the flowers in bloom. I'll never see these again.

A smile found its way to my face as the scent of fire lilies and other flowers filled my nostrils. "This is amazing!" I yell squatting down and picking a flower up and smelling it. 

"You can smell them?" Dad asks coming towards me. I nod my head standing up carefully. "This was always your favorite place to go before ShiSui died. After that, you didn't visit this place as much." Dad says sitting down on a grass patch as I sit down next to him.

"It held too many memories." I say looking down at the flower in my hand. "I didn't really come back here after you all died. I only came out here when I couldn't deal with things." 

"I'm sorry." The wind blew blowing what was left of my long hair in my face. "It wasn't your fault." I say looking over at him.

"Yes. It was my fault. I went along with the plan, and because of it, the Uchiha are existing by a strand of hope." He says looking at me. "I don't agree with that." I say looking away from him and looking towards the sky.

"I blame Madara." He shakes his head before sighing. "You've grown up Shiaye."

"I had to." I say smiling, but it wasn't happy one. "Itachi wouldn't visit me as much after that night, and when he did it was brief. Sasuke left me to fend for myself when I was twelve. I've only had my friends and my now husband to look after me, but even then I didn't let them help me much."

"So that little boy I dragged you away from stole your heart?" Dad asked smiling. I look down at my stomach and nod. "He stole my unbeating heart, and I'm happy he did." 

"Why did you do that to me?" He looked down before looking away from the ground. "I found out that the Uchiha weren't going in a good direction, so I did what I had to. I wanted you to be stronger. The Uchiha's seed runs deep within your veins, and I needed you to be ready for that because I wouldn't be here to help you."

"It seems like the hatred in this family never runs out." I mumble standing up and looking down at him. "I see why you did it, but you didn't have too." He sighed standing up and looking down at me. "You don't know this yet Shiaye, but you will soon."

I stare up at him waiting for him to continue. "A parent will do anything to keep their children happy and safe." And with that, for the first time in fourteen years, my father hugged me.


Kind of a filler. Sorry!

Chapter 14 - Family

Dedicated To: Demon_103

Dates Written: 4-13-16

Date Published: 4-19-16


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