Chapter 7 - ShiSui's Eye

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Madara went towards Danzo and his men first. We were waiting behind a pillar for Madara to tell us we could come out. I was glaring daggers as Sasuke hoping one would hit him.

'No I don't.' I think sighing and turning away. 'We're telling Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato that Danzo told you to go with him. Where are you?' Gaara's voice rang in my head making me look to the trees.

'I'll tell you about it later. I promise. Thanks for covering me.' I tell him rounding the corner of the pillar to get a better look at what's happening.

Danzo was standing alone looking around. Sasuke walked out making me walk out fully as all of Danzo's wrappings from his right arm fell. Sasuke and I activated our sharingan. My eyes went wide with anger and horror. At least a donzen sharingans were invented in Danzos arm.

Karin moved out of the way as my hands clenched. So he took more than yours ShiSui?!

"Listen Shiaye, Sasuke, Madara. I'm going to take your sharingans and add them to my collection." Danzo says looking over all three of us. "Remember Shiaye. The eye first then we kill him." Sasuke says looking over at me.

"How did you get all of those eyes?" Sasuke asked before shaking his head. "Don't answer that. Any explanation would probably just make me angry. We've already decided to kill you." Sasuke looks at Danzo.

"But first, I wanted to ask you a question." I look over at Sasuke wondering what he could possibly want to believe from this man. "Is it true that Itachi slaughtered the whole clan because he was following orders from you and the other Leaf elders?"

Are you kidding me?!

Danzo started doing signs before he ran towards Sasuke. He drew back a hand as the Susanoo took form. Danzo ran into a rib before he ran back only to be caught in the hands of it. Sasuke started to squeeze Danzo.

"I'll ask once more! Was it you who ordered him to kill everyone?!" Sasuke yelled restraining himself from crushing Danzo. "I asked you if it was true!" Sasuke yells before his grip tighten. Blood run down Danzo's chin as blood pours from his mouth.

"Damn Itachi. He told you everything before he died." Danzo says making me glare at him. "No." I say as he looks over at me. "I did." Danzo gritted his teeth looking at me. "I didn't think Itachi would expose the secrets he had."

"That means it's true then?!" The Susanoo started to grow skin as Sasuke's anger deepened. "I told you the truth Sasuke. You wanted to hear it." I mumbled looking up at Danzo.

"Shiaye. Now is a chance to get it." Sasuke says gritting his teeth. He was holding back, but hardly. I walked closer to him reaching up my hand only for my body to freeze. 'Not yet.' Shiki tells me as I back up.

"Crush him." I say as my teeth grit. Sasuke notice what Shiki had saw. Sasuke pulled on my arm, pulling me into Susanoo's purple flames. Susanoo grew taller and it's flames hotter.

Dazno started saying things about shinobi and as soon as he mentioned something about Itachi, Sasuke crushed him. "Don't speak any further about Itachi." Sasuke says in a low tone before something unexpected happened.

"Sure." Dazno says behind us. I turn around to see him making hand signs again. "Instead, why don't we battle with out eyes instead." Danzo slipped a kunai from his sleeve before coming after us. Sasuke turned around putting his arm in front of me as making the Susanoo's back stronger.

As the kunai touched the back, it broke in half. "As I thought. Susanoo. The armor to protect you." Danzo says as Sasuke moves his arms making Danzo go into the ground. Rocks flew making me cover my face before remembering what I was behind.

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