black magic and they're victims

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Jealousy and hatred
does the man not knows who he might harms with those deeds
bones, bites of hairs, a cord, snake venom,
written religious texts in dirt
smeared by the so called improver
victims go against a long agony
their body possessed by a strange creature
ready to take them in its ban
to cause the break between them and their loved one or between them and their spouses
did they not realize what they are doing, that its sinful
do they not realize they put their victima trough a torment
do the perpetrators have a heart
or do they know no fear for their actions if they be punished on the day of judgement
so many victims of demonic possessions by means of black magic.
eaten, drunk, bewitched or whatever
jealousy and hatred.
this is so hard, why don't they not setlle on what one has and gets.

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