Lame insults....

18 1 0

Known that I'm not like those others.

But I don't feel bothered.

It's not always that image u picture yourself to be black or white

But should I drown myself in foolish doubts

Enough of those hate lines

That supposed to describe

What I should like be feeling inside.

Are you doubting me?

Or should I be flattered about you're dumb crap?

Is it really easy to act so low?

Grab a stick

Dig deeper in you're nasty shit

Don't give a damm about your ridiculous insults.

What doesn't break me, does make me stronger.

Hope always last longer.

Hold your despite and grudge for yourself

A sorry is not always the answer to harsh words.

I'm not in need of your false pity .

Don't you see.

I had enough

Your words and phrases are just sentimental bluff.

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