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               I slept in. I woke up around 10am which was nice. Phil was already up while Dan was still sleeping. He and I went down to breakfast. We left a note in the hotel room fro Dan saying, 'Iz and I went down to breakfast. come join us when you are ready'. I got a plate with eggs, a pancake, and a muffin. Phil got a couple pancakes, eggs, and a bagel. Then we saw Dan walk in. We saved a table as he got is breakfast. Once he got his breakfast we all sat down at a table and ate breakfast. "So what should we do today?" Dan asked. "I don't know...its too cold to go swimming or to go t the beach" Phil replied. "I don't really know either" I said. There was an awkward silence for about 40 seconds. "We could like go to a Mall or something" I said. "Sure! that sounds fun" Phil said. "I'm down for that" Dan said. We went to our hotel room. I got dressed. I wore black jeans, a Pokemon shirt, and a leather jacket. Once we were all ready we took a taxi to the mall. "Yankee candle!" Phil said excitedly. We went inside yankee candle. Phil bought like 7 candles. We then, went into a cool store. "*gasp* Buffy" Phil said as he went into the Buffy section. "And Here we have Phil in his natural habitat" Dan said. I laughed.

              Phil bought a couple Buffy things while I got a sketchbook. We went into hot topic. "Thats so cute!" I said as i picked up a totoro shirt. "thats so cool" Phil said. We walked around hot topic for a bit. Dan got a couple black shirts, and a few band buttons. Phil got a few pokemon things, band buttons, and a buffy shirt. I got a totoro shirt, black knee high boots, a My Chemical Romance cardaegain, and a few band buttons. "are there any stores you would like to go into?" Phil asked. "Not really" I said. Dan gave me a 'why you always lyinn' look. I rolled my eyes. "Well, I guess there are a few but I don't know if you would like it in those stores" I said. "what store?" Dan asked. "I want to get a robe and a few other night time things from Rue 21." I said. "We'll take you to Rue 21" Phil said. So we went into the store. "oh my god feel this robe" I said. "Oh my god that is so fluffeh" Phil said. "much soft. very fluff. wow" Dan said. From Rue 21 I got a black rode with a hood with ears, black fuzzy pants, grey fuzzy pants, a few night shirts and black slippers. I also got a selfie stick because why not. "Are there any other stores?" Phil asked again. "Nope. I'm fine. You guys need to stop spending money on me like that I'm not worth it" I said. Dan and Phil stopped and turned around. "Yes. You are. And you're our daughter" Dan said. "We wanna buy you all this stuff" Phil said.

             We popped in to a few other stores before leaving the mall. "Hey wanna meet up with Cat for lunch?" Dan asked. "Sure!" Phil said. "Ok!" I replied. We went to the Cheesecake Factory. "Hi Cat!" Dan and Phil said into unison as we met up with her outside the restaurant. "Hi guys!" She said. They exchanged hugs. "Hi Iz!" Cat said. "Hi. Your videos are hilarious" I said shyly but cheerfully as I hugged her. "Aww thanks. So are yours!" She said. We went inside the restaurant. We got a booth. I sat next to Cat, While Dan and Phil sat across from us. I ordered a kids size hamburger because I know the size in food difference And I wasn't that hungry. Phil ordered Chicken while Dan ordered a cheese burger. Cat got a burger as well.I actually finished all of my burger. Same with cat. Dan and Phil ate like half. "portion sizes?" Cat asked. "yeah! We have like a lot smaller portion sizes" Phil said. I chuckled a bit. The waiter came and asked in a happy voice, "do you want any desert?" "No thank you. We're good" Phil said. She came back with the bill a few moments later. Cat and Phil both reached for the check at the same time. "lemme pay" Phil said. "Nope. Im not letting you pay" Cat said as she snatched the check out of Phil's hand. 

         Dan and Phil had to go to the Bathroom. "So hows living with Dan and Phil?" at asked. "Awesome, Amazing, Fun, crazy, and busy" I replied. "I can imagine with the tours and the signings." Cat said. "But it is kind of fun traveling" I spoke. "yeah, traveling is one of the best parts" Cat agreed. "So Phil told me that you have a boyfriend" Cat continued. "yeah.." I replied. "Awwwww! whats his name? How did you meet?" She asked. "His name is Ryan. Actually, We 'Met' online. We teamed up on World of Warcraft" I replied. "how cute!! tell me how you met me in real life! Phil only game me a brief story" Cat begged. "We were at the book signing in Chicago, I was standing off to the side so i wouldn't be in the way," I started. "and then I saw a familiar face walk through the doors and it was Ryan. I ran up to him and we had the longest hug. I looked back at Dan and Phil. Phil winked at me which meant that he set this up and Dan looked just like an overprotective father." I continued. "awww" Cat said. I went over to Dan and Phil and Phil and Ryan's mom planned it. I remember Dan saying, 'If he hurts you in anyway i will kill him'" I said with a chuckle. Cat laughed as well. "And after the book signing, Dan went to find the car and Ryan kissed me and told me he loved me and i told him i loved him too" I finished with a small smiling as I remember the kiss. "This is the cutest love story ever" Cat said as she pulled me into a tight hug. A Few minutes later, Dan and Phil came back. 

By the time we left the Cheesecake Factory, it was almost 3pm. Dan, Phil and I went back to the hotel. We decided to pack our stuff up to be ready for tomorrow. We decided to relax for the rest of the day. I got out my laptop and scrolled through social media. Dan and Phil did the same. Eventually, it became dinner time. "does anyone want dinner?" Phil asked. "I mean I'm not THAT hungry. but we can get like a pizza or something" Dan said. "Yeah that sounds good" I said. So we split a pizza while we rolled through Tumblr. I went to bed at 9pm so i would be THAT tired tomorrow. 

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