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                So Its New Years Eve. I woke up around 9. I decided to watch some Anime. "Happy NEW Years eve!" Phil said excitedly as i walked into the lounge. "Woop Woop" I said. "Are we doing anything? Like  a party?" I asked. "No Not really. Most friends are with their families." Phil replied. "Okay" I replied. I went back to my room and put clothing on. I put on black jeans and a FOB shirt. "Yo Iz wanna go to the store with me and get some partyish stuff?" Dan asked. "Sure" I replied. I Put on socks and shoes/ We took a taxi to Tesco. "Oh m god these hats are ridiculous" Dan said laughing. "We're so getting these" I said as I put them in the trolley. "I MAY have found something even more ridiculous" I said. "What?" Dan asked. "2016 glasses" I said as i handed them to him. We were laughing so hard. "And we're getting these" Dan said. We walked around Tesco a bit more and bought snacks, party poppers, and 2016 themed things.  

              "We're back" Dan and I said in the most annoying way possible. "What did you get?" Phil asked as he went into the lounge. "What are these?" Phil asked in laughter as he held the 2016 hats and glasses. "THE BEST fashion statement ever" Dan said. I laughed a bit. "Seriously" Phil said annoyingly but laughing as he pulled out giant party poppers. "Yeah i'll be sure to get the partyish stuff next year" Phil said still laughing. "why?" Dan and I said fake pouting. He held up the hats, party poppers, and glasses. "Mr. No Fun" Dan said. "yeah" I agreed. Well we've got some time to kill considering its almost 11am." I said. "Who wants to play Mariocart?" Dan asked. "ME" I said. "I DO" Phil said we played a few rounds of Mariocart. "HAHHAHAHAHAHA I WON I BEAT YOU" Dan said. "You beat her by like .00000234 seconds" Phil said. "But I still won. boom." He said. I laughed because of how competitive he is. "Imm going to get some lunch, by that I mean a sandwich from the kitchen" Dan said. "Oooooh! Bring me one!!" Phil said. "And me please" I said. "Its 12pm! 12 hours to go!!" Phil said excitedly. "OH YEAH" Dan shouted from the kitchen. We decided to watch some X-files to pass some time. "Wow we watched 3 episodes and its only 1" Dan said. I got a text from Ryan.

R- Hey wanna FaceTime to pass time by? :)

I- Isn't it 7am there?

R- yah, I need to get back on this schedule for school


R- So wanna Facetime? :)

I- Sure! :)

           I stood up just as Phil started another episode. "Where are you going? Don't you wanna watch?" Dan asked. "uh-I already saw this one...I need to upload my video as I kind of forgot." I lied. 'AWW are you talking to your boyfriend?" Dan teased. "No" I lied again. "You're a terrible liar" Dan shouted as I was already In the hallway. "SHUT UP" I said as I tried not to laugh.  I decided to put on a totoro hoodie and logged into FaceTime. Then Ryan called and I accepted it. "HAPPY NEW YEAR" He almost shouted. "dude. its 1pm here" I Said. "right" Ryan said. I chuckled. "Your eyes are so sparkly" He said. I blushed. "aww thanks" I replied  "So how is it there in the US?" I asked. "Well here in St. Louis, its not cold like at all. it was 66F outside" He said. "Really it was -2 here" I said. "FEIRENEIGHT?!?!" He asked. "Celsius" I replied. "Right I knew that" He said. Ryan and I continued to chat for an hour or two. I Know we chatted for about two hours because when I went back out into the lounge to wind me up Dan said, "So you were talking with him for a while." "Shut up. Its adorable! Its like a Romantic love story" Phil said. I scrolled through Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram for about an hour. "Should we make dinner to get a pizza?" Phil asked. "PIZZA" Dan and I said. 

        So we ordered 3 pizzas. "Is there a thing on tv for the count down?" I asked. "Yeah. I think it starts around 9" Phil replied. "keool" I replied. I went to my bedroom and read a few chapters of "A Work In Progress" By Connor Franta. Then the pizzas arrived. It was around 5:15 when the pizzas arrived. So we had about 5 hours. "the year has gone by so fast" Phil said. "I know right! It feels like just the other day we went to Japan" Dan said. "But its been fun, crazy, and exhausting" I continued. "Sure has" Phil replied. "I just realized why are we having this conversation now and not like at 10" Dan said. " O have no idea" I said while laughing. "Better now than later" Phil said. "true" Dan commented. We continued to eat our pizza and watch anime. "Anyone wanna play Halo 3 ODST?" Dan asked. "sure" I said. "you know I suck at that game so I'll just watch" Phil said. "Suit yourself" Dan said. We loaded up a map and started the match. "IMMMMM GONNNAAA GEEEET YYOOUUU" I said in a creepy voice. "Im hiding" Dan said. *6 seconds later* I snipped him. "WHA" HE said. "BOOM" I said. *A few minutes later* It was neck n neck. "SUDDEN DEATH" Phil said in a narrator voice. That made both of us laugh, but it made Dan laugh long enough do I could sneak behind him and snipe him". "Are you kidding me?" He said. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA" I said. 

             It was now about 6:20. I went to the piano in Dan's bedroom and started to play High School Musical. "Na Na na na na na yeah....."(A/N I don't really know the rest of the song. I haven't watched that movie since 2013.) So I played the rest of the song. Dan peeked his head in the room. "That was awesome" Dan said. "Thanks" I reply. "I was thinking about Playing Super Mario Maker. Wanna play?" Dan asked. "sure" I said. "I'm going to make the most impossible level" I said. I took like 15 minutes on making it. "OK! you can play it!" I said pulling a slightly evil smile. "I can clear it no problem" He said. *10 Minutes later* "WHAT THE FUCK! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" Dan said. I started cracking up laughing. "OK you try mine" Dan said. HE spent 20 minutes making a level. "MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA" Dan said. He handed me the gamepad. It took me like 5 minutes to clear. "boom" I said.


                "TWO HOURS TO GO!!" Phil said excitedly. We had on the new years thing on TV. "Best Song Ever" was on and being the total socially awkward person that I am. I sang along and danced. I thought I was the only one in the room, But Phil walked in half way. "what are you doing?" He asked. "Im dancing all night to the best song ever" I replied. HE face palmed and laughed. I started laughing as well. I went to my bedroom to find something to do. I couldn't find anything. For some reason I just laid on the floor. "Yo Iz have you seen my 3DS anywhere?" Dan asked as he walked into my room. "oh my god are you having an existential crisis?!?!??!" He asked. "Nope. Im just bored." I Said. "We have like an hour and a half left" Dan said. "ugh" I replied. I got up and read some more of "A Work in Progress". "Oh and No I haven't seen your 3DS" I said. Dan walked out of my room laughing and confused. I finished my book when there was like an hour left. So I went into the lounge and scrolled through tumblr and social media until the countdown. "FIVE MINS!" I shouted. They came into the room, Phil put on one of the hats so I did as well so did Dan.

       We put on the ridiculous glasses and got party poppers in our hands at the 3 minute mark. "10...9... 8...7...6...5...4....3.... 2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We shouted as we counted down the new year. we popped our party poppers. "I remember 2015 like it was yesterday" I Said. Dan laughed. "Really not even a minute into the year and u have to make a joke" He said. Phil started laughing. "well I know I'm not getting any sleep tonight because of the people downstairs having a loud-ass party" Dan said. "yeah! Don't you love when that happens?" I say sarcastically. I went to my room and changed into pjs before going to bed.



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