Mall and the cashier

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Dear diary,

Today I went to the mall. My mom wasn't with me, it was just me. I could go anywhere I wanted.

First I went to H&M. I walked up and down the aisles in the boys department, running my fingers along the clothes.

I grabbed a green flannel off the rack and some blue skinny jeans. I ran into the women's dressing room.

I instantly stripped my dress off and put on the clothes I picked up. I looked in the mirror, and I saw Dean.

So I decided to fuck it. I took it it off and walked up to the cashier. I got some strange looks but I was happy. The cashier had electric blue eyes. His name tag read castiel on it. He handed me my stuff and I left.

I went home and hid the clothes in the back of my closet. I thought about castiel all day. I think I like him.

It's crazy I've only seen him once, for about 30 seconds. Im crazy, I must be. Right?


I was going to wait until tomorrow but I already had one and I couldn't wait.

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