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Dear diary,

I woke up on the steps of the grocery store. The sun blinded me, then I saw a figure looming over me.
I shielded my eyes from the sun as the figure held out a hand.

I grabbed it and he pulled me up. It was the blue eyed boy from H&M. I hadn't thought about him in forever.

He asked me if I was okay. For some reason I couldn't lie to him. I looked down at my feet, I felt tears pricking at my eyes. I whispered no, just loud enough for him to hear.

He asked me why, of corse I didn't want to tell him. When I didn't answer he must have noticed that is didn't want to answer. He moved on to another question.

He asked me another question, another one I didn't want to answer but it was better than the one before. He asked why I was sleeping on the steps to his dad's shop.

There was no way I would be able to lie and not cry through it. Also I'm not a very convincing wom- man. Not a very convincing man.

I told him that I got kicked out of my house. Of corse he asked why, when I didn't speak he knew he wound up back to where I didn't feel like talking.

So he told me to follow him, which I did. To took me to a medium sized brick house. The bricks where painted a dark red.

He took me inside and let me sit on his couch while he went into the kitchen. He came back with a glass of water for me and sat down.

He looked at me like I was a lost, stray puppy. Abandoned by its owners. I guess I was though, I had no one that cared, my parents left me. Now I'm at the boy that I've been nonstop thinking about house

He called his dad and told him the situation. After having a lengthly conversation with his father he told me I could stay. What I noticed in the conversation is that he used he/him pronouns.

This stranger thought that I was a real boy. An actually boy, with all the right equipment and everything.

He didn't bring up the topic of why I got kicked out for the rest of the day. Instead we watched movies and played video games.

I'm pretty sure my mother would cry if she saw this household. There where dirty clothes around and they didn't have a housekeeper. I, on the other hand loved it. It's a new way of living  not the one I'm  familiar with.

Now after a long day, I'm sleeping in a real bed, well not actually, I'm sleeping on an air mattress at the side of castiels bed. It's much better than stairs though. Goodnight.


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