Coming out and cutting hair

476 26 12

The photo above is what Dean looks like

Just a reminder. PLEASE DONT BUND WITH AN ACE BANDAGE. it really bad for you. You can get hospitalized, and can pass out. Please wait until you have a binder. If you can't afford one there are many healthy ways on the Internet.

Dear diary,

Fuck. Today went just as bad as I thought it would, maybe even worse.

This morning I grabbed my clothes out of my closet when I woke up. I brought them into the bathroom and took a shower.

The hot water ran down Danielle's body. Her long hair was soaked, sticking to her back.

I hopped out of the shower and quickly wrapped a towel around myself. I glanced in the mirror and made a face of disgust. I wrapped the towel around myself tighter and walked to my room.

I closed the door to my room and set the towel on on the bed. I put on my undies (that I hated because women's underwear is really revealing) and pulled my skinny jeans on.

I grabbed the ace bandage out of my dresser and wrapped it around my chest. Quickly I put on the flannel and walked to the bathroom again to brush my hair.

I looked at myself in the mirror, thinking of what to to do with my hair. I grabbed it balled it up and pushed it against my head. That didn't do much, out of the corner of my eye I saw it.

They had an orange handle and two long sharp blades. A pair of scissors, just what I need. I brushed my hair out straight.

I grabbed the scissors and started to cut locks of hair. Light brown locks piled up around my feet. I trimmed up the edges before I was done.

I looked at myself and smiled. The sides where short, about an inch. The top was longer so I could gel it up if wanted, the top was about 3 inches. It was perfect, just how I saw Dean.

I poked my head out of the door to see if anyone was coming. I saw Sam rounding the corner. I snapped my head back and closed the door.

When he finally passed, I ran out of the bathroom, down the hall, and into my room. I leaned against the door and took some deep breaths.

I pushed myself off the door and went over too my bed. I sat down and felt my hair. Running my fingers through my hair, twisting it around.

It all started to feel so real. The hair, before I could take the clothes off, no one else could see. The hair is permanent, yes it grows out but you can't take it off. Everyone can see.

Now was the time. I pulled on my beanie and looked in the mirror. It was time to call my mom to my room. I started shaking, sweat brewing on my forehead.

"M-mom" I yelled

I was just finishing clipping my wallet into one of my belt loops as she walked it. She was on her phone and then she looked up at me, her son, Dean.

She screamed and cried, I cried. Then... She kicked me out. Now while I'm writing this, I'm getting the pages wet, from crying. I'm sitting on the steps of a local store.

It's summer break and all my friends are gone on a break. I don't know where to go or what to do. At leased I'm myself.


I'm sorry please don't hate me

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