Ravenpaw- Hunting

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"Hey Ravenpaw, wanna hunt?" You ask the nearly completely black tom who just woke up from a catnap
"Sure!" He yawns as he clumsily jumps down from the hay bed and heads outside. The sun shines lazily overhead as you two pad on as you gaze at the happy tom in front of you, admiring his sleek coat when sudden barking causes you to snap out of your thoughts and nearly out of your fur.
"Are you okay (Y/N)?" said tom asks chuckling

"F-fine, just perfect" you responded nervously

Ravenpaw rolls his eyes as he suddenly stands still and his ears angle to face north east, you follow the angle of his ears and spot a small grey mouse nibbling on some barley. You crouch to make sure the mouse doesn't see you when he pounces on the mouse, a couple more coming running out and scattering. Sprinting after one and barely catching it, you turn back to Ravenpaw and proudly showing of your kill.

"Nice catch" He says happily as he affectionately licks you your check and purrs
"Today was nice"
You gaze up and around and the sun sets behind you
"Yes, yes it was"



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