iNsAnItY (fallen leaves x readerz)

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You wandered a round the tunnels starting to splash in water, "this is it, I'll never become a Sharpclaw" you said weakly,sure you could take down a badger all by yourself without a scratch but you weren't good in small or dark spaces, "hey hey now, don't give up follow me" a tom whispered, you decided to follow the mystery tom cause who cares, you were going to die anyways, until you saw light, you ran towards it, "hey wait, please don't leave me" he looked as if he was about go cry, you smiled saying "I'll be back (I haven't even watched terminator but I thinks it is a reference)" you ran off back to your group, "congratulations (Y/N)" stone song said (read DA Last seris) , "did you see fallen leaves?" Asked Broken Shadow, you shook you head wondering if he was that mystery tom, she sighed upset, you looked over to dove-wing and jay-wing, and after that you went down in the tunnel spending more time then the last, some thought you were crazy and insane, you weren't, you were drivin by love for the tom, one day you didn't exit, that cats knew you wouldn't come back, they held a farewell tribute, thinking you had gone insane, but instead you decided to stay down there, with your eternal love.

Few down with DA sad one shots. Time for a nice one , Kk disclaimer I own nothing but da plot, u belong to u and others belong to erin hunter

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