Moving In

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'Can I have this room, Mom?' Camila asked hoping her Mom would agree. They had just moved from Manhattan to Los Angeles and Camila was looking forward to finally having some alone time. A 4-hour awkward car journey with her dysfunctional family was far from her ideal Sunday. She didn't understand why her parents were still together, but to her love was a foreign idea.

Her parents had decided to move back to Los Angeles after an unfortunate misunderstanding.

My Dad had cheated on her. It was unusual to me that they still wanted to be together, but adults were confusing.

'Sure Camz, but this new house is supposed to be a change and as your father said I want you to be a lot more involved in the family' she said sitting down on the edge of the bed.

'You have to start talking to us more about what is going on, I hate to see you suffer. I know it's been tough but everything is going to change baby'.

Jennifer had always tried to help her daughter, her biggest fear being Camila's attitude to life. She had heard of the problems teenagers had faced and her daughter showed similarities to many victims of depression and suicidal thoughts. She hoped Camila was going through a phase and one day would open up, despite her husband being a psychiatrist their efforts were never reciprocated by Camila.

'Mom, you need to stop worrying, I'm fine' Camila lied giving her Mom a hug. 'Now can I have some privacy? I want to explore the new house' she asked trying to get her Mom to stop the interrogation. It must have worked because her Mum gave her one last look before leaving the room.

 It must have worked because her Mum gave her one last look before leaving the room

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Justin had just finished setting up his office in the study of their new home. His excitement was evident, and he couldn't believe the beauty of the house. It was like God wanted them to fix their lives. After the miscarriage things had been tough, he hadn't known who to talk to and had instead sought love from someone other than his wife.

Guilt was always present in his heart but he hadn't moved all this way to give up on the love that he held for his daughter and his wife Jennifer. Change was always good, and he felt this new house would fix all the problems they faced as a family.

Justin was clearing away papers and getting ready to see his new patient when he heard a knock on the door.

'Come in, take a seat' he said greeting his newest client.

The girl sat down and looked around the room almost like she was familiar with the house. Her raven locks were tied up, and she looked like she hadn't slept in days. She wore a leather jacket that stayed on as she sat on the leather chair. Justin sat down opposite her and opened his thick A5 notebook ready to start the session.

'Lauren, I'm glad you could make it. I know we've not met before, my name is Justin. I want you to be one hundred percent honest with me so we can make progress okay?'

She looked at him for a few seconds before nodding her head and muttering a quiet 'Sure'. Justin took that answer as nervousness and continued.

'So these fantasies started two...or three years ago'

'Two years' Lauren answered briefly eyeing Justin before returning to her gaze on the wooden floor.

Justin remained professional and calm hoping she would begin to confide with him.

'Is there a structure- or a similarity between the fantasies. Something that could connect them'

'It starts the same way' she said before pausing, almost like she was gathering the thoughts flustered around her head. 'I prepare for the noble war, I get a taste for the blood and pack up my weapons of mass destruction' the teenager explained with a smirk on her face as she described the twisted fantasy her mind played over and over again.

Justin was intrigued, she was not ashamed nor afraid to feel such controversial thoughts, she was- strong. He continues to question. 'Guns?'.

'Obviously' she answered. 'I'm walking through the halls and I'm calm because I know no one can stop me not even myself'

'Do you target those who have been mean to you, unkind?' Justin asked, placing his notebook on the table and leaning forward in interest.

Lauren paused and looked into Justin's eyes, could she trust him? He was the only man who could help her, she was tired of being like this. Tired of going round in circles and not finding a solution. 'No...'

'I kill people I like'.

Her confidence in the words that left her mouth frightened Justin and it made him regret holding appointments at his home. He had a daughter the same age as Lauren, and he wouldn't allow her to be exposed to someone like Miss Jauregui.

'Do you feel any- sympathy?' He asked cautiously.

'No' she answered softly. 'I'm helping them'.

Justin can't believe what she's saying, every patient he had seen since he had graduated had been difficult but never had he come face to face with a sociopath. He knew he couldn't diagnose her after a short conversation, but from the words she spoke it was obvious something had scarred Lauren and made her like this. A living corpse.

She broke the silence scaring Justin. 'You think I'm crazy?' She asked with a defensive look in her eye.

Justin had a hunch she was, but if there was one thing he knew it was to never tell a patient they were insane. They would lose all hope.

'No- I think you're creative. You must have a lot of pain in your heart. I've heard your mother is worried about you Lauren'.

She responded with a simple 'I hate her'.

Just when Justin was about to give up on Lauren, something changed. She showed vulnerability and her next words shocked Justin but also gave him hope that he could help this lost girl.

'I'm not crazy, I've just experienced a lot of pain. The world is a hell-hole. I don't know why I'm still on the earth'.

She spoke a tear travelling down her pale skin.

Justin sighed before placing her hands into his own and looking into her eyes. 'I promise, I can help you'.

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