Save Me

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Camila had returned home to her room, her mind reeling on the past events. It was no secret she loved Lauren, but she was beyond confused. She had gone from feeling alive to discovering her happiness was a lie. Lauren had shown her a light, but had been quick to blow it out.

The young girl couldn't do it anymore, her problems were suffocating her existence. She wanted to be free. She couldn't live like this.

Stumbling her way across her room she dragged open her drawer. A pill bottle lay in the drawer, labelled Anti-Depressants. This had to be it, she couldn't do it anymore. If there was anyone in the world who could've changed her life it was Lauren.

Her hand shook in fear as she unscrewed the small bottle. She took a deep breathe before shovelling twenty pills into her mouth. They lay on her tongue waiting to be activated.

Camila was finally going to do it. Her parents would be mortified, but they would deal with it, right? She was a fuck up anyway, maybe they could have some other child and be happy. Who knows, it was always a possibility.

She licked her chapped lips, that felt sore. They missed the touch of Lauren's lips. Camila drank her water, feeling the cool liquid slip down her throat alongside the numerous pills.

Tears fell from her eyes as she thought about the past few weeks. Life couldn't change, it would always stay the same. Constantly dying inside. She might as well be dead.

Her head began to feel groggy and her eyes crossed over. She was ready, all those years of pain would be over before she knew it. She wouldn't have to suffer anymore.

A figure appeared in front of her eyes. She failed to focus onto the face but she knew. She knew it was Lauren.

Lauren dragged Camila's body across the musky carpet of their room. Once they reached the bathroom, she scooped the younger girl off the ground with her tattooed arms.

Placing Camila into the bathroom Lauren began to panic. She couldn't lose Camila, not after all they'd been through. She wiped her tears away, before straddling the younger girl in the tub.

She put two fingers down the girl's throat hoping for her to vomit the toxins out. Tickling her throat, Lauren began to think of what caused Camila to do this. She had thought Camila was happy now, but she had tried to commit suicide.

Camila began to throw up the poisons into the bathtub. Lauren sobbed heavily, while holding Camila in her arms. The two girls knew from that moment, they couldn't live without each other. No matter what Lauren had done 15 years ago, she was vital to Camila's existence.

'Are you okay?' Lauren asked while tears fell down her pale, chalky cheeks.

Camila was shivering. The water from the shower trickled down her face.

'Don't ever leave me again, Lauren' Camila muttered falling into the older girl's embrace. Both girls lay there, enjoying the fact that they may have lost their souls. But they had found their soulmates.


Justin had only recently returned home from Lauren's appointment. She had seemed extremely stressed, and worried. It didn't occur to him what she was thinking of, but it was something bad. Maybe it had something to do with Camila. No, he thought. Camila had stopped seeing Lauren.

'May I come in' a voice spoke from the door.

'Yeah...sure. Sorry for the mess, I've been on edge lately' Justin explained clearing up so the figure could take her seat.

'Take a seat' he said gesturing for the woman to sit down.

'Can I have your name?' Justin asked, grabbing his pen ready to complete her form.

'Its Lady Gaga' the woman said taking the pen from the man's hand and throwing it across the room. She crossed her legs over each other, with a smirk on her face.

He looked at her oddly. Was this some prank? She looked like your average L.A hippie. Maybe she was some wanna-be celebrity.

'Is that some stage name?' He asked, extremely interested in the woman's attitude towards him.

Lady Gaga smirked. 'Sometimes we do such things, in order to forget how mortal we are. Many humans believe they are immortal, making them reckless and idiotic'.

'I'm not here to speak about my problems. I have something to tell you Mr Cabello. I'm afraid it's not good news' she explained with a glare in her eyes.

Justin would've kicked this woman out immediately. She was clearly wasting his time. But maybe she knew something he didn't. This house had opened his eyes to many things.

'Look Ma'am. I appreciate the concern but I'm fine' he said nervously.

'You've angered a spirit, sir. And that spirit is looking for it's revenge. You must leave this house if you want to continue living' the medium said, pacing the spacious office.

'The spirit has already found a way into your life, you must act fast before it's too late'.


'They've planned some bullshit dinner tonight. Like its going to help' Camila told the older girl snuggling closer to her.

The girls lay in Camila's bed. After the attempted suicide, they had both decided their relationship was too strong to be broken. Camila would've died if Lauren hadn't saved her. It was too late to remove the older girl from her life. She was too far in. She had seen every part of the young girl.

'There's got to be someplace better, once I'm dead' Camila asked, wondering if Lauren had thought about truly dying.

'For people like you?' Lauren asked her, while stroking Camila's hair away from her face.

'Not you?' The younger girl asked.

'Ever since you got here, this is the better place' Lauren explained. She swiftly sat up, pulling the younger girl onto her lap.

'Promise you won't ever harm yourself again. You're a beautiful work of art. Maybe no one else see's that. But I promise, I see it' the older girl explained while Camila looked into her piercing green eyes.

'I want to admire every colour, texture and pattern. Promise you won't ruin my art' Lauren said, as tears left her eyes.

Camila had never been spoken to in such a loving manner. She knew, no one could treat her like Lauren. Her body had always been a burden, but Lauren knew how to preserve it and make it beautiful again.

'I promise'.

Murder House (Camren)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora