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The girls sat in Camila's bedroom on her bright pink rug. Jennifer had insisted on the sickly colour claiming it would brighten up the room. But little did she know what secrets the room had been hiding for years.

Camila felt comfortable around Lauren, surprisingly she wasn't intimidating.

'So how is school?' Lauren asked, hoping Camila would tell her the truth.

Camila frowned and her eyes showed a different story to what she really felt. 'It's okay...I don't really mind'

'Okay now tell me the truth' Lauren said with a stern glare causing Camila to sigh, she barely knew Lauren could she really trust her? Something told her she should open up, it's time she faced her emotions.

'Its hard- everyone is so different. No one is like me Lauren, I feel like I'm constantly in a shell that I can't leave' Camila explained trying to stay calm and not break out into sobs.

Lauren couldn't believe it, her heart hurt when Camila told her this. But the younger girl was strong and she felt there was more to her pain than just school. There had to be.

'I know how you feel Camila, I've been at this shithole for a long time, in fact, I've almost gotten used to it' Lauren said insulting the high school.

'You say a long time? But you're in my grade?' Camila questioned interested in what the girl with the green eyes meant.

Lauren realised she had almost walked herself into something terrible. 'I meant- I drop grades a lot. I can't concentrate and I rarely ever pass finals' she explained hoping Camila would buy her poor explanation.

'Oh I see, so how old are you really?' Camila asked.

'I've lost count, but I'm not- that old'.

There was a pause in the conversation, as Camila could clearly see that Lauren was hiding something. What kind of person didn't keep track of their age?

'I don't think age matters, if I'm honest, with all the things I've been through I feel like I've lived my whole life already' Lauren rambled hoping Camila would understand.

'Yeah that makes sense' Camila muttered. 'I like this house, it has an aura, I feel content'.

'Yeah, I get that. I used to live here, but my Mom decided to move further down the street. What made you move here?' The girl asked locking her green eyes with Camila's brown orbs.

The smaller girl sighed. 'My dad cheated on my Mom, she came home from the hospital after her miscarriage and he was in bed with one of his students. She wanted to move, to leave behind all the shit but I feel like its followed us'.

Lauren couldn't believe it, she had felt Justin had guilt but this was insane. 'If you love someone, you should never hurt them' Lauren said in shock.

'I wouldn't know, I've never been in love' Camila mumbled under her breathe but Lauren had heard.

All of a sudden, footsteps were heard coming towards the room. It was probably one of Camila's parents.

'You should meet my parents, they'd be happy to know I made a friend' Camila said hoping Lauren would agree.

Lauren would have loved to spend more time with Camila, but her Dad would never approve of his daughter hanging around with someone like her. She would never be allowed to see Camila again.

'I'm sorry Camila, I don't think that's a good idea. I should go' Lauren said walking towards the open window preparing to climb back onto the roof.

'Okay, I'll see you at school' Camila said hoping the answer would be yes. She finally had found someone who wanted to talk to her, and she was determined not to let her go.

Lauren looked back with a smile, 'sure Camila, I'll see you then' and with that Lauren jumped out leaving Camila standing alone in awe.

Camila's heart was beating rapidly, Lauren was incredible. One talk with the older girl had made Camila feel an emotion she hadn't felt in a long time, pure happiness.

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