The Girl

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Lauren's P.O.V

A new girl moved into the neighbourhood. I saw her snooping around, trying not to attract any attention. Too bad I had noticed. She seemed carefree but insanely mysterious. It fuelled me. Something in me knew...She was different.

I had never experienced such a burning desire. Her hazel eyes and fine features made me feel giddy. Was I in love? No. It couldn't ever happen and it wouldn't. But I was deeply infatuated.

I saw her as my blade. If she stayed there, I would be attracted to her and the desire would overwhelm me. But if I was to get close I could, or would end up hurt. Unless I was careful.

I watched her from the roof, obviously, she didn't see me. It wasn't hard for me to become invisible. I was nothing that people would want to notice. I knew she had suffered a great ordeal in her life. Her dad, my psychiatrist. He didn't understand. He might have lied to my face but I was no fool. I would've murdered him in less than a second, but he was her father. And I can assume she loved him. I couldn't bear to hurt her.

She sat on her porch with her dog, watching the sunset. Her face glowed as the orange tint from the sun hit her face highlighting her features. The small nose, and plump lips. She looked mesmerizing. I wanted to approach her, but I couldn't. I couldn't get close to her, but I swore to protect her until my last breathe.

Camila's P.O.V

Things are...different in this neighbourhood. I started school last week and things have been tough- there's this girl called Abby. She's gorgeous but it's a shame her personality is as rotten as the stench of the high school. The school was considered a museum and for that reason people have left it in its form.

I have no idea why it's so historic but I don't want to know. There's another girl called Lauren. I think me and her could be good friends. She's very... dare I say beautiful. But I don't think I'm attracted to her. After my last fling with a girl, I don't think I'd want to get into that. It hasn't taken me long to become the talk of the school. At first, the boys thought I was 'hot' but as soon as Abby told them I was a whore their opinions have changed.

I suppose I was lucky, I don't swing that way, clearly. Lauren seems to have a problem with their malicious behaviour considering the death glares she gives them. It's not like it changes anything, it's almost like she doesn't exist. I wish I could be like her, I'd do anything to be invisible.

No-one's P.O.V

Camila and her family were currently sat on the dinner table, eating away at Sunday roast. Justin noticed Camila seemed uneasy and was picking at her food. He decided it would be good to take this opportunity to ask about her new school. She had been attending for a week now, and he was worried she was struggling.

'So' said Justin clearing his throat. 'Hows school? Make any friends?

Jennifer looked up at Camila who seemed in distress. 'Come on Camila, what did I tell you? You need to talk to us more. We're your parents' she urged wearing a frown.

Camila had two options, she could tell them she hadn't made a single friend since starting and that she would very soon become the bait of the bullies. But let's be honest, they couldn't do anything about that and her poor parents would just end up worrying. Or... she could lie a little.

In order to avoid the uproar, Camila decided it was best to tell a white lie, 'it's all good Dad, and Mom I promise I will talk more to you guys' she assured them.

They didn't look convinced but it was good enough, at least, they didn't need to worry anymore.

'If you guys excuse me, I'm going to go up to my room and finish my homework' Camila announced making her way out the room, once her parents had dismissed her with a simple nod.

(In Camila's room)

Camila couldn't believe she had just lied to her parents, she wished she had someone to talk to. Secrets were tough to keep, and eventually, the truth will come out but was she ready for it to? She hated being the problem child, her parents were both so successful. Her Dad was a Doctor of Psychiatry and her Mother was a renowned Surgeon.

The school wasn't her safe haven, and it never could be. She hated the life she lived. Tears left her eyes and eventually her silent sniffles and sobs echoed in her room.

Suddenly she heard a thud and turned to see the girl from school. Lauren had just miraculously landed into her room through the open window. Normally she would be mad, but she couldn't help but feel thankful. Maybe Lauren could be her friend, it was a lot to ask but it was always a possibility.

'Are you okay? I heard you crying. I was erm... sat on the roof just admiring the sunset' Lauren explained fidgeting in the corner of the spacious room.

Camila smiled and muttered 'Its okay'.

Lauren relaxed and let out the breathe she had been holding, and from that moment it became very evident to her. Camila was the blade, and she was going to sharpen her, and make her strong. She herself may end up hurt but she couldn't help it. Those hazel eyes had captured her heart, instantly.

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