Make Love To Me

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With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
Yeah, hey, yay

I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end

The classic nirvana tune echoed from the walls of Camila's room. The mosaic on the wall shook as the sound waves collided. Camila found it extremely poetic how two pieces of art from different generations were coming together in her presence. Nirvana was not her first choice in music, however Lauren had reminded her that she had an expectation to fulfill. Someone who is in a relationship with a psychopath would never listen to as she had described it, 'pussy pop'. The young girl had understood the point, Lauren was extremely stubborn and disagreeing with her would only end up in an unnecessary argument. Her unfinished drawings lay on her bed. She had been working on a portrait of Lauren hoping to surprise her. Her chestnut hair was sprawled on her bed sheet as she scribbled away on the paper.

  She had been waiting for Lauren to return. Ever since the two girls had made amends life had been great. Although she hadn't seen Ally, Normani and Dinah in over three weeks she was happy. Not to mention the fact that they might have realised she was the notorious library shooter. Yeah- they had to work on the name. Camila knew that would raise their doubts so she didn't have the courage to go to school just yet. Not that it mattered, Lauren had refused to go to school from now on meaning Camila's attendance would be limited.

Her music stopped suddenly and the noise was replaced by a nervous voice calling out her name. Camila had gotten used to it, and was expecting to see a ghoul of the house making a visit to her room.

She turned around catching eye contact with her Dad. His tie hanged loosely around his neck. He looked tired, more than usual. A psychiatrist was a tiring job but her Dad had never looked so exhausted. His wrinkles were more noticeable, and his droopy eyes were magnified due to the lighting of the room. He looked awful, like he hadn't slept in years. Maybe he had found out the truth about Lauren, what if he knew? She had promised herself to deny whatever story they had proposed. Even if they mentioned Lauren being dead she could shrug it off and act like they were insane.

'Camila, I need to talk to you. I can't keep this in any longer' he said frantically pacing the bedroom. He took a seat on Camila's computer chair with a closed body posture. The chair creaked under his weight, scaring Camila as she waited for him to continue.

He had become distant from her and his Mom but she had no clue as to why. For the past two weeks he hadn't turned up to their family dinner. It was typical because they had ordered her to make an effort with the dinner, even encouraging her to cook every so often. It was only another example of why she didn't and would never understand adults. They were practically all hypocrites.

'I've been seeing things. Whether they're real or I'm imagining them-I don't know! But I can't take it. The medium visited me, that Gaga woman' he explained pausing to hold his head in his hands. His sniffles got louder. Camila rolled her eyes. Constance must have paid the medium. She had no clue why that old hag was trying to involve herself in Lauren's life, what she had done already was enough.

'She thinks someone is after me, to kill me' he said tears rolling down his pale, sickly skin. 'At first I didn't believe it, mediums talk bullshit. But someone has been following me, I find myself sleepwalking and ending up in front of the stove with the flames on'.

Murder House (Camren)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora