Bittersweet Tragedy

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Once Camila and Lauren reached the party, Lauren finally acknowledged Camila's presence. 

'So the goodie two shoes Camila snuck out for me? Wow I really am a bad influence on you, Camz' Lauren teased while she helped Camila off the bike.

Camila was not in the mood for Lauren's odd mood swings and she decided to ignore the remark and continue into the party resulting in Lauren grabbing her arm and swinging her back around. 

'I didn't say you could go'.

Camila had reached her limit, Lauren was treating her like a possession and the continuous stress of her father leaving home and her mother being alone at home had caused her to freak out.

'I don't remember saying you owned me, Lauren. I do everything you say because I love you but why don't you ever treat me like you love me?'


'Save it Lauren, I'm going in' and with a final kiss on the cheek Camila walked away from Lauren, leaving her standing in the rain.

Lauren's fists balled up and she kicked the bike causing her to scream in pain. Why did she have to ruin everything? She couldn't lose Camila, she was all she had left. All this stress due to Justin's kidnapping had hurt Camila. But she was doing it to help the spirits. They needed a child and Lauren had ensured that would happen. Why couldn't she just do something right. Her thoughts were interrupted by a sickly, sweet voice.

'Lana, you came! And I see you didn't bring that whore Camila' Madison said, as she attempted to sit on Lauren's bike.

'I did bring her, she's inside'.

'Oh...well you know who is here? Me. How about we ditch the party and go to my place?'

'Madison, can I ask you something?'

'Of course you can, what's up?' Madison asked, showing sincerity.

'Why do you want me so bad? I'm horrible to you'

'I don't know Lana, I guess I enjoy the mystery of you-'

'I know that. Look Madison, I love Camila and that may annoy you but I need your help'

Madison sighed. She couldn't help Lana with Camila, she loved the older girl. Madison had always received everything she wanted but Lana was the one person who had not tried to get with her purely because of her money. She was the one person who was not scared and intimidated by Madison. She knew that this was her one chance to prove to Lana how much she loved her.

'Okay. I'll help you'

'I need to plan a date, for Camila. A real one that shows I love her, because I feel as if I'm losing her. She doesn't look at me the way she used to. Maybe it's my fault for being so distant but I need to show her how much she means to me. So I can tell her the truth'

'Truth? You did tell her about your Mother, right?' Madison asked, completely oblivious to the fact she was speaking to the murderer Lauren Jauregui herself.

'Yeah, er... there's something else but it's personal'.

'Well, I guess you don't have to tell me-'

'I kidnapped her father'

Madison glared at Lana. 'You're kidding me? Why did you do that?!'

Lauren sighed and put her head in her hands. 'He's like my Mother, Madison. He's a lying cheater that is literal scum on the earth. Camila's Mum, she's pregnant and as soon as I found out I couldn't stand him. He cheated on her and now they're having a child! Love isn't like that Madison'

'So do you need help killing him?' Madison asked cautiously.

'No, I can't do that. If she found out...I'm going to let him go but I need to tell Camila first'.

'You're crazy. She would never forgive you, trust me. You need to kill him. She won't find out, trust me' Madison explained, causing Lauren to groan in frustration.

'I can't kill him, Madison-' Lauren said, wondering if it was possible. She had decided that she would not murder again, but it seemed like the only option.

'I'll do it. I was planning on killing Camila tonight so I'll kill her father instead. Where is he? I'll take my lame, loser friends and we'll slit his throat. Simple'

Lauren hesitated to tell Madison his location. Could she really trust the girl? 

'I knew you were trying to kill Camila. And you should know if you ever touched her, you wouldn't live to see another day. He's in the basement of her home. Knock yourself out' Lauren replied with a smirk.

Madison laughed. 'You know, you have a lot in common with your mother, Jauregui. Maybe evil is just in your genes'.



Camila had been wandering at Madison's party for a while now and she remained annoyed at Lauren. She loved the older girl but the secrets of Lauren being a psychotic spirit were starting to eat her up slowly. She couldn't even remember to call Lauren, Lana in front of everyone else. How was she supposed to spend her life with her?

'Hey Camila, why the long face?' Dinah said as she approached Camila alongside Ally. 

As much as Camila tried to stay away from the girls, she couldn't bring herself to it. They were so supportive and had helped her through the school days, especially when Lauren decided to go missing.

'The classic problems with...Laur- Lana' Camila answered, slipping up with Lauren's name.

'Come on! Tonight is about having fun. Although I hate Madison, I can't deny her parties are the best. The music right down to the beer is always lit' Dinah said, as she moved to the music in the background.

'We understand that relationships are hard, Dinah herself is upset tonight considering Mani couldn't come to the party but sometimes in life you just have to have fun. Tonight is one of those nights, go with the flow. Okay?' Ally explained hugging Camila before pulling her onto the dance floor.

After hours of dancing, Camila spotted Lauren watching her across the dance floor with a smile. Camila made her way over in hopes of making up with the green eyed girl.

'Hey-' Camila said, greeting Lauren before she was interupted.

'Look Camz, I'm sorry for the way I've acted these past weeks. I've been under a lot of stress but I still love you. I love you more than I've loved anything and it pains me that you thought I didn't. I want to make it right'.

'I want you to make it right too, Lauren'

'Camila, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me'

'I would love to Lauren, when?' Camila asked, as she snuggled into Lauren's arms.

'Right now, actually. How does that sound?'


Lauren smiled in glee. 'Let's go, beautiful'

The two girls ran out of the party, smiling and giggling. Lauren was glad that Camila's father would be out of the picture as Camila was unaware her father was minutes away from being brutally murdered.

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