Chapter 30

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2 weeks later

Nicki POV

I woke up early this morning because to fucking morning sickness and its been like this every morning

When I was pregnant with Asia I didn't have morning sickness so this new for me and I don't like it at all

Not only do I have to deal with it meek does too he wakes up early to make sure I'm alright

Sometimes I don't want to eat but meek watching me 24/7 to make sure I eat and keep my weight up

And the smell of shrimp, ketchup, mayo makes me sick or throw up and I fucking love shrimp

Now I'm down stairs making breakfast and later today me, meek, na, asia, and denim are going to get Christmas trees and tomorrow me and meek are going to get christmas gifts and wrapping them

Nicki: asia what do you want to get you for Christmas

Asia: bear bear (eating her oatmeal her hand and getting it over herself)

Nicki: that's all you want

Asia: no (still making a mess)

Nicki: than what do you want (fixing Meeks plate)

Asia: bear bear and twoys (clapping her tiny hands together)

Nicki: (laughing) what type of twoys (mocking her)

Asia: girl mouse

Nicki: Minnie mouse

Asia nodded

Nicki: that's it

Asia: ywes and kitty Kat

Nicki: hello kitty (to make sure that what she meant)

Asia nodded yes

OK I finished making meek plate and right on cue he came in the kitchen kissed my lips

Meek: is all over your face baby girl

Asia shrugged her shoulders

Meek: well whatever it was didn't make it in your mouth (clean her mouth off with a napkin taking her out highchair)

I brought my plate and Meeks plate to dining room table

We were sitting down eating and I heard the doorbell ring

And asia hopped out of Meeks lap and ran to the door with food all over t shirt onesie and face

Nicki: where you going little girl (watching point at the for me to open it because she can't reach the handle)

Asia: open (still pointing at the door)

Nicki: who the other side of the door (picking her little chubby body off the floor and placing her on my hip)

Asia shrugged her shoulders

Nicki: I guess we are going to find out (unlocking the door)

When I opened the revealing na and denim

Nicki: oh my god why are y'all here so early (grinning at them)

Na: oh no good morning or nothing (acting hurt) you know what

Nicki: if you don't shut up and come in (laughing at her dramatic ass)

Na: mhmm (laughing)

Asia: na na (reaching her arms for na)

Na: awww my baby (her and denim walking in and taking asia from my arms kissing her all over face)

Denim: hey aunt nicki(hugging my legs)

Nicki: good morning baby hugging her back with hands

Na: mmm it smells good

Nicki: yea we eating y'all hungry I'll make y'all plate

Denim: hey uncle meek (running hugging meek and meek sat her on his lap)

Na: nicki whatever you put on meek plate put that on my plate

Meek: nah don't do that

Na: whatever don't listen to him

I laughed at them and grab my empty plate and Meeks too and headed for the kitchen

Nicki: denim you hungry

Denim nodded her head

I went and fixed na and denim plate then brought it to them and took asia na and sat her it my lap

Meek: so when we leave

Nicki: probably when everyone finish and get dressed

Meek: so when ma coming back down here

Na: I supposed to pick her up from the airport 8 tonight (putting her fork down)

Nicki: denim you finished

Denim nodded her head with grease all around her mouth

I just laughed and picked up her and na's plates and headed to kitchen to put them it the sink I started to cleaning up the kitchen a little bit

Meek: nicki let's dressed you know you take the longest

Nicki: no I don't

Meek: yes you do you take two hours on your make up

Nicki: ugh shut up (pouting and hitting him in the chest)

Meek: you mad (wrapping around my waist)

Nicki: no (crossing my arms)

Meek: baby I'm just playing (kissing my pouting lips)

Nicki: mhmm

Meek: but we need to get dressed (pecking my lips multiple times)

Nicki: OK baby (kissing his lips)

This chapter is corny because I'm tired as hell but I hope you enjoy it
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