Chapter 4 - 'Tis the Season to be Lonely Fa La La La La...

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             It was December; everyone's favorite time of year. Well, except people who don't celebrate any holidays or people who like other holidays more. But besides them, it's everyone else's favorite season. 

              Noah loves Christmas. But he likes Halloween a lot too. It's kind of hard for him to decide which holiday is his favorite. Sometimes he wishes he could have Halloween on Christmas...

              Anyway, Noah was super excited for winter break. Two weeks of no school and also two weeks of being absolutely bored and having almost nothing to do. It all just feels like a really long weekend to him. Usually, Vanessa and Noah hang out quite a bit over the breaks just because they hardly see each other outside of school. Many plans of sleep-overs and staying up late until mass hysteria kicks in from lack of sleep. Lots of unhealthy foods and binge watching random TV shows - it couldn't get any better. Though it doesn't sound to healthy to the average person, you have to admit, it's better than school. 

               The first day of winter break was the best. Noah slept in...or so he thought. He was so used to waking up at around 7:00am, that it's when he naturally woke up. For a second he was worried that it wasn't the break and that he'd be late for school. He rolled over under his Harry Potter sheets and grabbed his phone to look at the date. Nope, it was winter break, alright. Noah slowly sat up in his bed and called Vanessa, though he doubted she's awake. 


             "C'mon, Vanessa, answer.." Noah mumbled, still very tired. The phone kept ringing until Noah got Vanessa's voicemail. Noah decided he shouldn't leave a message. 

              After re-watching half of the first season of American Horror Story out of boredom, Noah finally got a call from Vanessa.

            "HEY!" Noah yelled after picking up the phone.

            "Hey..." Vanessa's voice kind of trailed off; Noah thought she just might be tired.

            "Something wrong?" he asked.


             "Well...what??" Noah had a feeling that she wasn't just tired.

            "You know how we were gonna like hang out a bunch over the break?" Vanessa questioned.

            "Yeaaah.." Noah replied, kind of suspicious.

            "Well.....we, uh, kiiiinda can't do that.." Vanessa hesitantly told Noah.

           He sat silent for a minute, trying to think of what to say. "Why?" he finally asked.

            "I have to visit relatives that live out of state." she answered, seemingly calm.

           "Oh, that-that's fine." Noah went on, trying to not be disappointed at that fact that she's ditching him again. 

            "Bro, I'm really sorry, I promise I'll make it up to you, okay? I have to go now. Bye." Vanessa hung up and Noah set his phone down on the nightstand. He sighed and plopped back into his bed and pressed the play button on the remote. 

           Noah had questions for Vanessa, still. Is she gonna be gone the whole two weeks? Who is she visiting? Where is she going? 

           He was so concerned about her because Vanessa is his only friend...his only real friend. There's mutual friends at school but.. it's not the same.

            At around 5:00pm, Noah had fallen asleep while watching American Horror Story: Asylum. He didn't mean to, it just kind of happened. 

            At around 11:00pm, he finally woke up and saw the main menu screen for that DVD. He waited until 11:11 to make his wish. 

           He wished to see Vanessa soon. He didn't even consider wishing for that 5head to show up. He kind of gave up hope on that..Nah. He couldn't. Noah would probably wish for it the next night. 

          A/N: Hey, I meant to upload a chapter closer to Christmas but some stuff has been going on and I haven't really had time to write. Oh and if you think I'm giving up on the main plot of this story, I'm not. I'm the kind of author that drags things out because I procrastinate a lot and detail can be really nice even if it's for a dumb story like this. One last thing, look for references because I make them a lot. Some can be Obvious *cough cough* and some aren't. Most will probably have to do with Blink 182 because why not or Panic! because, well, "*spoiler alert*" Brendon's gonna be in the fanfiction. Long note, I know, but it's 1:00am so...yeah..Kinda late for this but happy holidays and the next update will probably be either later tonight/day or next year but you never know with unfinished fanfics ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


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