Chapter 7 - Dreams

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           "That's one messed up dream," Vanessa admitted.

           "But it's not a dream!!" Noah started to raise his voice out of annoyance.

          "Dude, just tell your dad, okay? Maybe he'll help you..."

          "Help me with what, exactly? There's nothing wrong with me - I'M TELLING THE TRUTH!" Noah finally snapped. Vanessa looked taken back a bit and calmly thought of a reply to calm her friend down.

          "Okay...look...I can't help. I have no idea what's going on. For me, it's always been like this! Well, I  mean your mom left but...otherwise it's been like this. You and me...friends for as long as we can remember. Your dad having the largest forehead ever and being the coolest guy I know besides you. I don't know what happened but you need to snap out of it bro. It was a dream."

              Noah sat in silence for a while. What had happened? He was hoping that he simply slipped into some sort of rabbit hole and that one day he'd be able to get out and see his family again. His real family. 

             "But why does it seem so real?" Noah asked Vanessa.

           "Dreams are strange like that." she replied simply. Noah sighed and told Vanessa that he felt like spending the rest of the afternoon alone. Vanessa completely understood and headed to the front door of the house and left.

            Noah sat on the edge of his bed and kept mulling over the situation. He looked around the room in detail for the first time and realized that it all looked the same as before. Boring. Dull yellow walls stained with makeup, messy bed sheets that he never bothers to put back in place, posters covering up holes in the walls, and stuffed animals from his childhood scattered across the floor. It was the same. Every memory from this room lingered in his mind as if nothing had changed. 

            But none of the memories included Brendon or his "mom". 

            Noah strangely started laughing. He wanted this for such a long time and now he has it. It's not what he expected. He laughed at the fact that his wish came true. He thought it would be so much better, away from all the pain he had felt from his mom and grandma and peers at school, but he felt lonely. Just lonely and confused. But also happy, in a way.

            I mean, come on, Brendon Urie's his dad. 

A/N: I didn't mean for this chapter to turn out like this but I didn't do too much planning on it and now I wanna write an emotional fanfic with some ship involved but I don't ship anything so that would be a problem... Anywho, I know it's shorter but I don't know how to continue it without getting even more sad. Sorry for that *shrug guy emoticon*


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