Chapter 2

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chapter dedicated to @/insomniainside for helping me choose the characters, love you.

The pounding in my head wakes me up, it hurts like a motherfucker.  Still dizzy, I reach for my phone to check the time but can't find it. After stirring in bed for about half an hour I decide to take some aspirin, the headache won't go away. I try to get up but I get  tangled in the sheets and fall face first on the hardwood floor. Great way to start the day, I think while standing up and rubbing my sore nose. I hazily make my way to the kitchen, stumbling on god knows what on my way.

"What the fuck are you doing up so early? It's fucking 7 in the morning", J is standing behind the kitchen counter, eating some cereal.

I just shrug and open the first cupboard I find to fetch an aspirin but then realize I have no idea where Mrs. Jackson keeps her medicines.

"Hey J, do you have any idea where...", I stop mid sentence as a smiling Aurora Jackson makes her way into the kitchen, wearing an orange lipstick that definitely suits her dark skin tone. "Good morning  Mrs. Jackson, how are you?"

"Sweetie you've got to stop calling me Mrs. Jackson", she sighs. "It makes me feel too old, I'd much prefer you calling me Aurora."

"Sure, Mrs. Jackson", I smirk while she throws me a death glare. Jasmine and I just laugh it off, as usual.

Finally, I manage to take an aspirin and make some pancakes for the three of us;  Jasmine wasn't going to finish her cereal anyways. I feel my hangover slowly subside while frosting the pancakes with some whipped cream and sprinkling some raspberries on top. Once my artwork is done everyone takes a seat and we munch on the goodness that are pancakes.

"You know, you should become a cook, forget about journalism and MU", J mutters with her mouth full of whipped cream.

"Jasmine Mary Jackson did I or did I not teach you how to behave properly while eating?", her mother scolds her, her face as red as a tomato. "You girls need to clean the house by the way, if dad gets home and sees this disaster you better be hiding somewhere across the Pacific."

I snort, earning a glare from Mrs. Jackson as she leaves the room.

In the end, we ended up cleaning the whole place, which didn't take very long. Who am I kidding, it took us four fucking hours. We fall on the couch, exhausted as hell. Both of us stay silent, regretting how drunk we were last night. Some memories come flooding back, especially something or better yet, someone. I don't remember his name. Dane? Darcy? Drake? I snort, of course I would forget his name. J gives me a look, the 'We're not done we still have to pack for college' look.

The next day I'm supposed to pick up Jasmine in my brand new Mercedes and give her a ride to college. We decided on using my car, since we are going to live together anyways and mine is way nicer than hers. My sister helps me carry my five suitcases to the trunk of the car, her blonde hair in a messy bun while she's sweating like a sixty year old man. On the other side, my parents don't even bother to wake up on time and bid their goodbyes, their loss. As I load the last suitcase, my sister watches me warily. She then looks away, keeping the tears from falling. I immediately hug her, sucking the air out of her and she hugs me back just as tight.

"Hey, look at me. You're a grown woman and you're going to be strong, okay?", I tell her and she nods slowly. "I know mom and dad are probably not the best people to deal with but hey, I made it and so can you."

She just nods and smiles sadly. What a paradox. I quickly hop in the drivers seat, wave my hand at her and speed away from home. It's a 5 minute drive to J's house and she's waiting for me on the front lawn, her arms crossed as she taps her food against the cemented road impatiently. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are sobbing their hearts out, caressing her daughter as she scolds them for ruining her hair. I laugh as the scene drastically changes. Jasmine sees me and starts crying while hugging her parents, not wanting to let go.

"Aw, come on J. You'll come visit the whole family on Thanksgiving and I'm sure Grace will like to tag along", Mr. Jackson says.

"Sure am, Dave!", I shout, and I'm pretty sure the whole neighborhood heard me.

As I wait, I turn my greasy blonde hair into a ponytail, I haven't had time to take a shower since the party. I sigh as I apply a fifth layer of mascara over my long lashes and curl them with a lash curler. It really helps make my bright green eyes pop out, I love the power makeup can give. I'm a pretty confident person already though and I'm really proud of that.

I hear the passenger door slam shut, J is still waving to her parents but I've had enough, so I press my foot on the pedal and sprint away. Destination: Morbin University, California.

On our way there we stop at a grocery store and at a cafe to grab a bite. After a six hour drive, we arrive at our apartment which is about 5 minutes from campus.

"I can't wait to swoon over the hot frat guys! What if I break up with Jamie? I could find the love of my life here. We could cuddle, watch a movie, hold hands, order take out, he could buy me...", J continues her rant the whole time we are walking up the stairs. Apparently, there's no elevator. Which sucks balls.

"Wait, I thought Jamie was the love of your life", I say, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

"Right. Of course. He's my one and only.", she corrects herself, rolling her eyes.

"Woah there, I'm offended right now. I thought I was your one and only! What about us? What happened?", I dramatically sigh.

Jasmine starts singing High School Musical songs on cue, and suddenly the second door on our right bursts open. Standing in the door frame is Darcy. Wait, wasn't it David? Dave? Demetrian?

"What the hell is going on here? Can't the both of you just shut it?", he roars, eyeing first J, then me. "Hey, you're the girl from last night's party", he smirks while nodding his head towards me.

"Oh, last night's party... I'm sorry, I was too wasted to remember anything.", I lie while fidgeting with my hands.

"Bullshit, you were pretty sober the last time I saw you", he nearly sneers and my face goes pale.

"I don't even remember your name, for all I know I could've fucked you as a one night stand and then kicked you out. But that would be considered as rape if you were sober, so that better not have happened.", I give him an angelic smile.

He just growls a "Whatever." and stomps back into his apartment, but God did he look good. Like worth drooling over handsome. His hair was messy and he was wearing a white see through  shirt that fitted him perfectly and showed some tattoos coming out of his short sleeves. I nearly swooned right here and there, but fortunately J woke me up, slapping me hard.

"What the fuck?", I yell frustrated. My, it hurts like a bitch.

"You lost your virginity to some hot guy while you were drunk?", she shouts back, infuriated.

"I was fucking kidding, you know I was never the one to sleep around!"

"Oh, in that case I'm sorry. Not that you can't fuck who you want because it's your body, but it's my house we're talking about.", she explains and I burst out laughing.

"I love you J.", I blurt out, hugging my best friend.

"Yeah, yeah. Me too you butt licker.", she says while closing our apartment door behind us, me laughing like a hyena.

(A/N) Hello guys, second update in two days, yay! I honestly had nothing to do today so I thought of writing a longer chapter! Hope you like it xx
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