Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to my babe, @/zairahilao. Check out her new story, she's awesome x

I wake up covered in silk sheets, sprawled over a king size bed. It takes a few minutes to order all the jumbled up memories from last night: basically, I was raped. I hug myself shivering, the grey t-shirt I'm wearing is way to thin, plus I'm not wearing any sweatpants... Hang on, I don't remember changing into this. Also, my bed is a queen size and I own blue cotton sheets, those are purple. I scratch my eyes and yawn, noticing a faint orangey light coming from two small windows placed on either side of the bed. Where am I? What time is it? Dawn? Grunting, I step onto the cold wooden floor with bare feet and creek the bedroom door open. Everything's so silent, a strong scent of coffee fills my nostrils and I scrunch my nose; I hate coffee. I tiptoe through the dark corridor and towards the smell, only to find myself in a large kitchen which overlooks a living room. Actually, it's very similar to my apartment. I check the time on a red clock hung on the far wall: half past six in the afternoon. Great, I overslept for the fifth time this week. On the kitchen isle there's an empty cup of what was probably coffee, I touch it and it's still warm: that means someone is here or they left barely 5 minutes ago, I learnt it in some dope investigation tv series or something like that. Then, right next to it, a note with something scribbled onto it.

If you're reading this then you finally woke up and you're probably hungry. I left at 6 pm to run some errands, be right back.

Oh. I'm at Damian and Erik's apartment. Thank god, I thought I had been kidnapped or something. It's true though, I can tell I'm hungry because my stomach starts to grumble in protest. After a short internal debate, I decide on searching for something to eat. I finally settle for cooking spaghetti with tomato sauce, since my Italian origins are kicking in. As I'm adding some grated cheese to the mixture, the apartment door flings opens and Damian barges in. The only thing I notice from afar is the grey beanie he's wearing, which suits him perfectly.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?", he asks, probably smelling the tomato sauce.

"I-I thought I would make dinner for the two of us, I w-was...", I stutter.

"Who said you could go through my shit?", he arches an eyebrow. I just stare at him, I have no idea why I'm even cooking spaghetti for a douche like him.

"You know what, you're right.", I laugh. "Why am I even trying to do something nice for a dick like you?"

"I didn't even ask for your help, I can cook on my own.", he says through gritted teeth.

"Well, neither did I ask for your help yesterday. Actually, I wanted to be left alone, but look how that turned out.", I spit, immediately regretting it.

"Are you seriously comparing making dinner to helping someone who was raped by her boyfriend?", he laughs.

I shut up, blinking away some tears. He's right, but he brought up the memory of something I was trying to forget, like it didn't matter. Like it could be laughed upon. I think he realizes what he just said because his eyes soften and he starts walking towards me, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to Grace."

"Congratulations, you're right. Again. Now excuse you, but I've had enough of staying here",  I say, walking out of the kitchen. He immediately grabs my arm and turns me around, holding me in his arms. I sigh and inhale his scent, it smells like vanilla. Finally I let the tears wet my cheeks and I break into sobs in a matter of seconds. We stay like this until my breathing becomes steady again, him drawing circles on my lower back and placing kisses on my forehead. I swear he'll be the death of me.

We end up eating the spaghetti in complete silence, apart from the occasional small talk. It continues this way for minutes, when I decide to interrupt the tension by blurting out a question I was dreading to ask, "Where did you sleep?"

He gives me a puzzled look, but then quickly catches up with what I'm saying, "Last night? On the couch", he says, nodding his head to the love seat in the center of the living room.

"Yeah, but who changed me into this?", I ask, motioning to the thin fabric of the shirt I'm wearing. It's only then that I notice, I'm not wearing a bra.

Damian seems to notice too because his eyes widen and he coughs a few times. "Jasmine.", he tries to explain nonchalantly.

"Wait, where's the two of them?", I ask, referring to J and Erik.

"They went on a date and it took a lot of convincing on Jasmine, she didn't want to leave you alone,", he sighs, "with me."

Then, out of fucking nowhere, it hits me: I still have to report Max to the campus police. I jump from the stool and rush to find my clothes in Damian's bedroom. I find nothing but a pair of skinny jeans, his probably, and my bra from last night laying on the ground. Then I grab my car keys that are sitting on the black nightstand and dart back through the corridor, into the kitchen. "You coming with?", I impatiently ask the guy in front of me.

"Where? What the fuck is going on?", he looks like I might jump out of the window.

"Campus police. Move.", I say as I turn around and trudge out of the apartment, not bothering to glance over my shoulder and check if he's following.

I reach the parking lot, unlock the car, climb in and slam the door shut. The passenger door flies open and Damian hops in, his blue eyes wide. Fuck, he looks so handsome. Concentrate on the road Grace Norman, not on the ass sitting next to you. I take a deep breath as I maneuver out onto the road and speed towards the police station.

It's well past eight when I park my car in front of the police station. I inhale a deep breath. Am I ready? Of course I'm ready.

"Miss, what can I do for you?", a police officer greets me, a forced smile hanging on his tired face.

"I'm here to report someone, for committing a series of sexual assaults towards me.", I keep my eyes locked with his.

"Follow me, we'll have to bring you in a private room and question you. We've been waiting for you.", he states, his expression grim. What does he mean?

"Can Damian come with me?", I ask, nodding my head towards the boy standing on my right.

"Depends, is he close family?", the police officer questions.


"I'm her boyfriend, Sir.", Damian interrupts, winking at me. What?

The officer nods and starts pacing through a narrow corridor with chipped wallpaper along the walls as we tag along behind him. We make a few turns and find ourselves in front of an opaque glass door.

"Please, come in and have a seat", a voice from the inside of the room calls.

I step through the door frame and my face turns pale.

"What the hell are you doing here?", I sneer.

(A/N) Haiiiiii, guess who's back after spending hours on writing this chapter? Me. I really hope you like it, I left a cliffhanger to torture you guys with, hehe.
I made a new cover asjgkhflis , I know my photoshop skills suck so if anyone thinks they can do a better job then please make a new cover, lol

I'll probably be updating tomorrow, by the way. Also, I will set some deadlines to post chapters, like certain days of the week. Comment down what you think, xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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