Chapter 4

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I scan my schedule for the third time, it clearly says that I'm supposed to attend my literature class in building 7. Or is it building 1? I huff and sit on the bench next to me, I can't even read my own writing. After checking my schedule for the fifth time and finishing my tea, I decide to head over to building 1. On my way there, I receive a text from J:

Are you planning on skipping class? Where the fuck are you? We were supposed attend literature class together, remember? Are you lost? Quick, we're in building 6.

My eyes widen, building 6 is on the other side of campus. I turn around and run like I'm chased by history books, it was that dramatic. I hate being late to class, not that I don't like the attention, but I'll have to borrow notes from J and hers suck ass.

Once I'm in the building I dart up the staircase and run into a door, or wall. The door turns around. The door has messy dark hair and baby blue eyes. The door is a jerk. The door yells at me but I'm so done with everything that I ignore it and make my way towards my class.

"Miss Norman, Mr. Granger. What an honor, you finally decided to show up.", professor Bryant exclaims sarcastically.

"Well, if Miss Norman wasn't so obnoxious and hadn't bumped into me, I wouldn't be so late.", Damian says, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, so now it's my fault?", I reply, this guy is unbelievable.

"Now, I'm trying to introduce myself to the class. Would you please sit down?", says professor Bryant.

My eyes roam the place, there are barely any seats left. I scan the room and find J, but she's chatting right next to Erik.

"Great.", I mutter as I find a seat in the front row. Damian seems to like bugging me, as he seats right next to me. He glances at me, a frown painted on his face.

"What?", I snap, while scribbling some notes.

"Are you seriously taking notes?", he shakes his heads and I clear my throat.

"That's none of your business now, is it?", I arch my brow. He smiles, showing two dimples. Fucking dimples. I roll my eyes, again. If I could, I would slap those fucking dimples.

The lecture lasts for about 2 hours and when the professor dismisses us, I couldn't be happier. I collect my notes and exit class, Damian following. As I reach the stairs someone yanks my arm, turning me around. It's J, thank god.

"How was it?", she asks giddily. I give her a puzzled look, she huffs and checks her surroundings, probably making sure that no one can hear us. "You're fucking oblivious Grace. I'm talking about sitting next to Damian Granger, Erik and I were just talking about it."

"Nothing, he's rude and I can't stand him.", I shrug, hoping that will end the conversation. Boy, was I wrong.

Literature class was on a Tuesday. The next couple of days flew by, I never saw him again. Today is Friday, I don't have any classes whatsoever so I decide to stay in and revise my history notes. As I grab my car keys, determined to head to the groceries store first, the apartment door flies open. In comes a grinning Jasmine, she looks like she just won the lottery.

"Guess what.", she says smugly.


"It's Friday!", she replies, rolling her eyes.

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