Chapter 3

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(A/N) Bare with me through this chapter, there will be two major plot twists. Dedicated to my two best friends who encouraged me to write this book, x

"Wow, J it's amazing.", I gush at my best friend, who just shrugs.

And it's true. The apartment couldn't have been better, all thanks to Jasmine's decorative skills. "You are better than a fucking interior designer!", I add. This time, she blushes.

"Thanks, I tried my best."

There's a giant open space with a modern looking kitchen and a living room. J gave it her usual vintage touch, it kind of reminded me of her old room back home. Vinyls are hanging on the walls and colorful carpets decorate the floor. There is a corridor next to the living room, which leads to two spacious bedrooms and a bathroom which is definitely big enough for the two of us. I love it.

"So, wanna order Chinese takeout?", I grin at her, knowing she hates Chinese food.

"How about you order just that and I help myself with some homemade Indian food?", she smirks. Ah fuck, I love how she cooks Indian food.

"Fine, you win.", I groan, it was an illogical battle anyways.

We spend the next hour busy as hell. I unpack all our suitcases while J cooks her godly food, the smell of Indian spices fills the apartment and my stomach growls. I'm about to ask her when she will end the torture when someone knocks on our door. On cue, I spring towards the door and open it with such enthusiasm that the person on the other side gives me a puzzled look. He's shorter than me, definitely shorter than Jasmine. His red hair nicely combed back and his blue eyes are rimmed with dark circles. He's wearing black sweatpants and sweatshirt that don't fit his slim figure. Not exactly my type, but J wouldn't mind...

"Hey, anything wrong?", he boldly asks. Great, he caught me staring.

"Oh my god I was staring wasn't I? I swear I didn't mean to, I just daydream a lot.", I try to laugh it off and he gives me a forced smile. I fucked up. Jasmine just snorts, and we both turn around to face her.

"I'm Erik, your neighbor.", he finally announces. "I brought you some cupcakes, I usually make a lot but since Damian is allergic to gluten the poor guy never eats any."

He then shows us the plate of cupcakes he's holding. J smiles friendly at him while I just give the guy a weird look. "Who even does this anymore? Listen, you should probably eat those before J does. I swear she turns into a food vampire when it comes to it."

Jasmine then glares at me and flips me off. "She's being a bitch, it's that time of the month. Thanks for the cupcakes, you want to stay for dinner?", she beams at him. What the hell?

"Eh, I'd like that but Damian would have to tag along and even though he's my best friend he isn't the nicest person to deal with.", cupcake boy says.


"Damian?", I blurt out. "Our moody neighbor Damian?"

"Man, you met him already?", says cupcake boy, while scratching the back of his head. "I'm sorry if he was rude to you or anything. He'll warm up, eventually."

I just shrug, I couldn't care less for that asshole. J, on the other hand, looked enthusiastic.

"Don't worry, I guess we'll have a rain check. How about this Saturday?", she offers a toothy smile.

"What if we make that Sunday? There's a frat party going on this Friday...", he pauses. "To which I'm inviting you right now." God, that was smooth as fuck.

"Sure, we're in", J chirps. Wait, why is she doing all the talking?

"So Sunday at my place then?", he suggests, winking at Jasmine.

"Yes.", I announce, exasperated. He tries to say something else but I can't hear it over the noise of our door slamming in his face. Whoops.

"Why would you do that? He was being nice.", J shakes her head and pouts.

"Listen, if anything else I saved your ass. You were giving him goggly eyes when you have a boyfriend and my food is getting burnt.", I state, matter-of-factly.

"Ex boyfriend, actually", she grimaces.

"What?", I whisper.

"Yeah I dumped him half an hour ago.", she shakes her head. "He just couldn't understand G, he didn't get why I didn't want to have sex as much as he did. I tried to explain him, I really did but...", J breaks down and starts crying as I hold her in my arms.

"J, hey girl.", I try to assure her, looking down at her. "Your sexuality is no one's business but yours. I know it was hard to trust Jamie, you thought he would get the fact that you're asexual. Turns out, he's an asshole. But that doesn't mean everyone's like him, baby. You'll find someone who can keep his hormones under control, I promise."

She sobs even harder, I'm not very good at this. Never been, never will. "I know, I just feel so worthless, like why can't a relationship work without sex? Is it that crucial?", she sighs.

"No, no it's not. That shit is pure bullshit. You are one of the best people I know. You're strong, beautiful, smart, confident and worthy of so much love only God knows. Got it?"

She barely nods but I can tell she feels slightly better, thank god. "By the way, I saw how cupcake boy looked at you. He was staring at you, he didn't even hide it. Plus, he doesn't seem like a pervert like Jamie was, so team Erik!", I smirk.

"Cupcake boy? Seriously?", J laughs and it's beautiful. I love to make other people happy, even though it doesn't happen much.

"Yes, seriously. Now get your lazy ass to the kitchen, I'm hungry and I want food woman.", I tease.

"What would you do without me?", she sighs.

"I don't know, I'd probably be eating at an Indian restaurant right now."

"As if, you'd be stuffing yourself with Chinese food and you know it.", J snorts.

The rest of our night is spent enjoying our meal and discussing on what if's. What if I never went to college? What if I never made friend with Jasmine in kindergarten? What if I was gay? What if Indian food was actually plain?

What if I never met Damian? My mind drifts off to him while I lay on my queen size bed. He's so mysterious and there's something about him that I can't put my finger on. I shake my head, I don't even know the guy. Nonetheless, I can't stop thinking of him as I drift off into sleep, the image of him still vivid in my mind.

I wake up in a pool of sweat. My phone is ringing on my nightstand? I grab it and my blurry vision checks the caller ID. It's Max. I let it ring for what feels like hours, I can't bear to hear his voice at 3 in the morning. It goes straight to voicemail.

"Princess, thought you got rid of me?", I can feel him smirk. "Not so fast. You'll be seeing me soon enough. Your boyfriend can't wait to catch a glimpse of your naked...", I fidget with my phone and end the message, my hands shaking.

Tears burn my cheeks and I croak, my throat dry. Not again, I won't let him get to me again. I shiver at the thought of him touching me, he never accepts a no for an answer. He always gets what he wants, always have and always will.

(A/N) Surprise, double update! I'm sorry I ruined the mood, but I can't say things will only get better. Watch out.
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