5. Entitled Money

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Steve Rogers was entitled to billions of dollars when his uncle passed. He and his husband James Rogers, or Bucky as he preferred to be called were also given a mansion with the money.

"It'll be good to get out of the city," Steve tries, Bucky wasn't too excited and was staring out the window quietly. "Baby, come on."

"Promise me we won't drift apart?" Bucky asks.

Steve pulls over. "Is that really what you're worried about?"

  "Yes Steve! That's what this is about, I don't want to lose you too," Bucky mumbles, wrapping his arm around his legs. Bucky had lost his left arm in the same accident where he'd lost his first husband, his first soulmate.

   "See this mark? We're soulmate as baby. I promise we won't drift apart," Steve assures. Showing him their soulmate tattoo on his wrist. Bucky swallows and nods.


    "How is Wanda doing?" Steve asks a while later.

   "She's doing good," Bucky nods. "She misses him. A lot," Bucky whispers.

   "Do you?" Steve asks gently.

   "I miss him everyday," Bucky nods, tears prickling at his eyes. He'd lost Pietro Maximoff, his husband and first soulmate in a plane crash. Steve places a hand on his husbands small thigh. Bucky swallows and wipes at his eyes.

   "We're almost here," Steve informs and puts his hand back on the wheel.

   "Good," Bucky replies, his voice sounding a little tight.

"This place is huge!" Steve exclaims.

  "It is pretty big," Bucky replies meekly.

   "Hey come on Bucky, it'll be fun!" Steve grins. Bucky didn't seem too excited.


   Bucky didn't like the house. He kept seeing shadows and felt like he was being followed. He turns the corner and something crashes to the ground behind him. He jumps into the air and spins around, his chest heaving. He finds the axe from a suit of armor stuck in the floor, inches from where he'd been standing. He swallows and walks away in a hurry.

Steve didn't come down for dinner so Bucky didn't eat. Bucky missed Steve a lot. He'd barely seen him lately and he was getting lonely.

  He sits at the table sighing. He plays with a fork as he gazes off. A large kitchen knife thunks down onto the table a few inches from his hand. He yips and springs back just as a knife lands where his head had been. He runs. He slams into the wall as he skids across the floor. He gets to the door and a very big knife thunks against it. He stares at his terrified reflection and throws open the door. He steps bare foot into the snow and sprints. The next knife finds its target and buries itself in his left shoulder with a nasty sound. Bucky falls forward with a cry.

   "Hey!" Steve calls from the window of his study. The knives drop into the snow, though one cuts into his leg. The next thing he knows Steve is pulling him into his arms and asking what happened.

   "It's this fucking house," Bucky hisses and he rarely swore so Steve could tell it was serious. "I've been stalked and crap has fallen and I've been attacked and now I'm bleeding. I'm not staying here anymore. You can either stay or come with me but I'm not spending another moment in that damn house."

  Steve stares at him before nodding. "Alright. We'll go. Let me just go inside and get our suitcases okay?"

  "Okay," Bucky nods, wrapping his right arm around himself. The left was no more than stump anymore. Steve returns with their suitcases, his jacket and his boots. Bucky swallows and follows Steve to the car. They get in and start the long drive away from the house. Bucky plays with the ring that was on a chain, he always wore it, the only thing he had left of Pietro. He was starting to get lightheaded, his vision swimming and his skin paling. He hears Steve telling him to hang on but his eyes slip shut and he accepts the murky darkness trying to pull him down.

  He wakes up in a hospital with Steve holding his hand.

   "I'm sorry," Steve sighs, "I should've listened to you. And now we're here and I'm sorry."

    "We're though Steve. We are. We. You stayed with me. But next time can we just get an apartment that doesn't have ghosts?" He mumbles.

   "Yes," Steve agrees, laughing slightly.

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