33. Call Diverted

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   Steve gears up with his team, he was a government agent who lived with his boyfriend in New York. He and his team were being sent out on a mission to scare some protesters into leaving, and if they didn't cooperate they were given the order to kill them. Steve was hoping they'd leave but he knew protesters were pretty solid once they've made a decision. He puts in his ear piece and turns it on.

  "Ready?" Steve asks his team. He gets murmurs of agreement and they head out.

   They arrive on sight and head to the roof tops. He looks through binoculars down at the group of protesters.

   "Fire a few warning shots," Steve orders. The protestors jumps as the bullets hit the ground but several stand strong, one brunette in particular. "Get ready to start shooting," Steve orders and looks at the crowd. He recognizes the face of the leader and his heart drops. "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" He shouts in a panic as the first round of bullets are shot at the protesters. He swears and races to get to the scene, to the brunette. Lying on the ground and holding his stomach was the paling brunette, Steve's boyfriend. Bucky coughs and cries out in pain.

"Stevie?" He murmurs and Steve nods.

"Yeah, hang on baby, we'll get you to the hospital," he assures. He holds his hand until they're separated when the brunette's loaded into the ambulance. He follows behind and races into the hospital. His boss shows up demanding to know what happened. Steve explains and Fury sighs.

"Is he okay?"

"Yes," Steve nods.

"Alexander went over my head with that order, I was fine with them being there. They weren't doing harm," Fury sighs.

"You're part of the fucking government?" Bucky shouts at of him, his heart monitor spiking. He'd been awake for a little bit and other than a bullet hole and blood loss he was fine. Steve had explained what happened, Bucky wasn't taking it too well.

"Yes, but you didn't tell me you were a protester," Steve argues.

"I figured you knew!" Bucky shouts.

"Relax, I'm sorry. I'm just really glad you're okay," Steve sighs. Bucky sighs and closes his eyes.

"Next time please give me a heads up before you decide to shoot," Bucky sighs.

"Next time I don't plan on shooting," Steve replies.

Bucky sits on the stairs in front of the old building a week and a half later, his wound only just starting to heal. He was wearing a simple gray long sleeve shirt and jeans. He sits silently by himself refusing to move, probably going to give himself pneumonia.

"Get out of the way!" The construction workers shout but Bucky stays strong. Steve comes by a few hours later with blankets, soup, and coffee. Bucky looks up when Steve pokes him with his toe.

"You asleep there?" He teases quietly.

"Almost," Bucky nods.

"You're freezing," Steve comments, setting his things down and sitting beside the brunette.

"Am I? I don't feel cold," he replies.

"You probably wouldn't feel it if your fingers fell off," Steve points out.

"You're probably right. Can I have you coffee?" He asks.

Steve laughs "I brought you your own," he smiles.

"Mm," Bucky hums holding it.

"You're a dork," Steve laughs.

"I am. But you love me," he responds.

"I do. How's your stomach?"

"Okay, sore."

"Ah. You're good though? You're looking paler than this morning," Steve worries.

"I'm fine," Bucky assures, leaning against the blonde.

"Good. You don't plan on sleeping here do you?" He asks and Bucky shakes his head.

"I'll stay until they leave," he replies, yawning.

"Get some rest, I'll stay here with you," Steve whispers, kissing his forehead.



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