10. Time Travel

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  Bucky was sick. His body was failing him. Steve had the opportunity to save him and he's tried. God has he tried. Steve found a pocket watch that allowed him to travel through time. He's been everywhere, an ancient time with angels and centaurs, a futuristic steampunk era. He's found cures and brought them back again and again only to lose Bucky again and again.

Steve holds Bucky's cold hand tightly.
"Hey baby," he smiles heartbrokenly when Bucky looks up at him.

"Morning Stevie," he smiles.

"What's with the scarf?" Steve asks.

Bucky looks down before slowly unwrapping it. His hair was completely gone. "Had to shave my head for the last surgery," he explains, gesturing to the line of stitches.

"What? What was it for this time. Why didn't you tell me?" Steve growls. Bucky cringes.

"You've been gone for a month Stevie, I'd figured you'd left to be honest. You never answered my calls or my texts, I assumed you wanted nothing to do with me," Bucky spits which leads to a violent coughing fit.

"A month?" Steve asks after giving him water.

"Yes Steve, you've been gone for a month," Bucky scowls.

"I'm sorry," Steve sighs.

"You should be. I've been through three surgeries since you left. I almost didn't survive the first two," Bucky sniffles.

   "I'm sorry, I'm still looking for a cure," Steve sighs.

     "How many times?" Bucky demands shakily.


   "How many times have I died," Bucky demands.

  "Every time. I will find it though," Steve insists.

   "You won't!" Bucky shouts. "I'm going to die Steve. Just let me die peacefully!" He falls into a violent coughing fit and blood stains his pale skin. After finding a doctor he leaves in search of the cure.

    It was raining when he returned again and Bucky was seated in a wheel chair by the window. "I don't want your damn cure," he mutters when Steve walks in. His left arm was missing and he looked so pale and thin.

   "I think I have it this time though."

   "Fuck you Steve. I want to die, they already took my arm, my right leg is next. I need a new heart I'm functioning on one lung. Don't make me suffer any longer," Bucky mumbles.

   "I'll go back, before you lost your hair give it to you then," Steve tries.

   "I don't want it Steve, just... Just leave," Bucky growls, staring out the window. Steve takes a step forward. "Leave!" Bucky shouts, followed by harsh coughing. Steve turns and leaves.

  He comes back a week later to an empty room.

    "Where's James Barnes?" He asks the nurse. She looks at him sadly.

  "I'm sorry, they're holding the funeral at the park," she answers.

   Steve stands in the park by himself, they were lowering the coffin into the grave. Steve was the only person there other than the men burying his best friend, his lover.

     "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

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