Chapter Two:

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October of 2001

Justice Elementary School

Grade 4 Class

The bell rang as everyone crowded the door, desperate to get some fresh spring air. Phoenix deposited his finished questions on the teacher's desk. The only other workbook that was handed in was Miles. Well, that was expected.

Phoenix turned to the sound of the door opening. He saw Miles take his leave from the classroom. Wait! He cried out in his mind. I should go and say thank you... thought Phoenix.

"Hey, come on! What are you waiting for? Recess only lasts so long, you know," Larry poked his head in from the door, grinning.

Phoenix was shocked. "M-Me?"

"Yeah you! Now let's go!" He quickly disappeared.

Phoenix walked out the door, and was greeted by an enthusiastic Larry. "Hiya! My name's Larry Butz. What's yours?" He said, sticking his hand out. Hesitantly, Phoenix shook his hand. "My name is Phoenix Wright," he mumbled, both excited to talk to someone and a bit nervous.

"Hm? What was that? Phoenix?" Larry asked. The spiky-haired boy nodded. "Aw, cool! I wish my name was Phoenix. It's a cool name."

Phoenix smiled weakly. "Thanks. Um, if you don't mind me asking, why aren't you playing with the other people on the playground?"

"Oh, that." He grinned sheepishly. "Well, you see... I want to be you friend!"

"M-My friend!?"

"Yeah, your friend. You seem pretty lonely, so I've decided to stay with you for the rest of the school year! And maybe for the rest of your life!" He smiled, then faltered. "That is, of course, if you want me as your best friend."

Phoenix was completely shocked. This was too good to be true... a friend? He could hardly believe his luck. But he wasn't going to turn this chance away. Smiling widely, he nodded his head enthusiastically. "Yes, yes, of course! I don't have any friends... thank you!"

"Ah, no problem. Uh, could you loosen your grip there? It's a bit tight," Larry gasped from the small boy squeezing him so tightly.

"Oh!" Phoenix said in surprise. He had hugged Larry without even knowing it. "S-Sorry..." he said.

He smiled"That's okay! You should loosen up, you know. Don't be so uptight," Larrt patted Phoenix's back.

"T-thanks for helping me in today's class trial."

"No problem! I can't stand seeing people getting picked on. Did you want to do anything this recess?"

"Ah! Yes, actually. I wanted to go and say my thanks to Miles, you know," Phoenix said. "Uh, if you want to, that is."

"Oh sure! A new friend awaits! Let's go!"

Phoenix really liked his new friend. He was so nice, and he was so carefree. Larry followed Phoenix to the pine tree Miles always sat under, eagerly asking him questions.

"Do you live near where I live?"

"Uh, I don't really know."

"Well, we could walk home together!"

"That would be really nice."

"Where do you want to eat lunch?"

"Uh, we can sit under the oak tree I always sit under."

"How does your hair remain so spiky and straight?"

"Uh, I-I don't know. I guess it's natural."

"Hm, you don't use hair gel either," Larry said, running a hand through Phoenix's spikes. "It's as soft as feathers!"

"Uh... thanks?"

It was nice to have company, Phoenix thought. He never felt this happy before. Having a friend was certainly a huge delight in the boy's life.

I wonder if Mom will let Larry come over today...? He thought.

"Are we here now?"

Larry shook Phoenix's shoulder. He jolted out of his thoughts, and saw the familiar boy sitting under the tree, reading. He swallowed nervously.

"Uh, hello?"

The boy sitting on the ground looked up from his book. "Hello. What can I do for you?"

"Um... uh, I..."

"He wanted to say thank you for helping him in today's class trial!"

Phoenix was both surprised and thankful that Larry helped him out, but he was hoping to say it himself. "Ah, uh, yes, uh, thank you for helping me today. I'm sorry about your money getting stolen."

"Oh!" said Miles. "Thank you." He stood up, brushed himself off, and extended a hand. "I'm Miles Edgeworth, son of the famous Gregory Edgeworth. Pleased to meet you."

Phoenix hesitantly took his extended hand. "Uh... M-my name is Phoenix Wright," he mumbled.

"Your name is Phoenix?" Miles asked curiously. "That's a very interesting name."

"Yeah, that's what I thought!" Larry said, grinning.

"Oh? And you are?"

Larry Butz, at your service!" he said.

Miles bowed. "Miles Edgeworth. I assume you are friends with each other?"

"Well, we just decided to be friends," Larry said, grinning. "I mean, look at this poor kid! He's got no one!"

Miles was surprised. "Well, neither do I."

Phoenix flinched. He didn't have any friends? He must be so lonely... Phoenix knew first-hand how that felt. He really didn't want others to be alone too. Larry stared at Miles dumbfoundedly too.

"D-do you want to be our friend?" Phoenix said, not quite sure how to ask someone to be friends.

"Ah!" Miles gasped. "Well... I suppose it would do me some good. Yes, I would like to be your friend."

"Woohoo! Two friends in one day!" Larry cried out pumping his fist in the air. Phoenix smiled weakly.

"You're awfully shy. Lighten up, Phoenix." said Miles. "If we're friends, then you can call me Edgeworth."

"You guys can just call me Larry!"

"And you, Phoenix? What do you wish for us to call you?"

"I know! I'll call you Nick! And Edgeworth, you'll be Edgey from now on!" Larry said, sticking out his tongue.

"Oh, uh, anything is fine," Phoenix said.

"Fair enough."

"Well, uh, the bell's going to ring soon, so do you want to spend lunch with us?" Phoenix asked timidly.

"I suppose that's alright," Edgeworth said, nodding.

The bell rang and the three new friends walked to class together.

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