Chapter 2

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Maria POV

I was awakened by surprisingly my dad telling me it was time for me to go hunt with the rest of the family. I nodded and went to get dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with running shoes.

"You ready?" Jasper asked as I came down the stairs at a human pace which the others laughed at. I pocketed my phone because I was texting a friend back in Bolivia.

I rolled my eyes but answered as I hopped onto the blonde's back, "Yes. Now let's go. I'm hungry." Jasper shook his head along with my father and ran into the woods with the others going in different directions. When we were a good distance from the house he slowed down and allowed me to get off his back and run alongside with him.

"Why are you hunting? All you need is sleep and a little food whether it be human or animal and you're at your peak." I shrugged at my husband and looked at the gold necklace with a purple diamond he got me for my birthday twenty years ago. He grabbed my hand and lifted my chin with the other to look into the identical amber eyes of ours and placed a small quick kiss on my lips. "Stop thinking about tomorrow. Nothing is going to happen to you or the rest of the family." I nodded and ruffled his hair before running full speed to the waterfall.

I faintly heard him come after me but I am the fastest in the family because of my abilities. My father was the second fastest and then it was Rose. The rest were normal paced vamp speed.

I got to the waterfall and spotted two mountain lions. A mother and a baby. It made my heart break knowing that Jasper would never let me go through the pain and heartbreak of having a baby and having to give it up.

"There you are. What are you looking at?" Jasper asked me when he finally caught up to me.

"I want one." I had tears in my eyes looking into his own. He sighed and held me to his body.

"Are you sure?" I nodded into his chest and he sighed again. "We can try." I looked up into his eyes surprised. "You know how much we need a kid in the house." I nodded again but this time reaching up to kiss his cheek real fast. "On three conditions, we never abandon it and we make sure it happens after graduation." I laughed a little and nodded. "Also, Carlisle makes the delivery." I rolled my eyes at that. A vampire child born in an actual hospital, like that wouldn't raise a bunch of questions.

"Who else when we have a doctor living in our house?" I asked with an eyebrow raised and he rolled his eyes.

"Now, let's get to hunting..." Jasper said and we left the two mountain lions alone knowing one would be lost without the other and the baby wasn't big enough to drink.

After drinking at least 15 deer and a few mountain lions we finally reached the house where the rest were. Dad and the whore already left for the camp site they would be staying at while we were fighting the newborns.

"What took you two so long?" Emmet asked me with raised eyebrows.

"We stopped to talk for a while..." I trailed off and Rose squealed knowing what we talked about.

"When?" She asked excitedly which the rest turned to Jasper and I with a confused gaze on.

"What is she talking about?" Alice asked me and gasped after and I knew she was having a vision. She squealed like Rose after it had finished and started jumping up and down.

"Please tell me you two aren't thinking of...?" Esme asked and I nodded and she squealed also.

"How do all of you know?" Jasper asked them and I whistled innocently. "You told them?!"

"I would have done no such thing. Rose and I were talking one day and the subject came up." I shrugged and he sighed rubbing his face. "Alice had a vision and Esme just guessed it." I said and Emmet and Carlisle looked confused.

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