Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Rosalie POV

I sat with Maria looking at baby catalogs with Alice. It's been a week since we found out that she was pregnant and she was cranky half the time. Maria even threatened to punch Jasper in the face if he didn't take her to Carlise. She's also been drinking a lot more blood than usual. I was actually concerned for my sister-in-law even though she's more like my sister than Alice is.

"I was thinking that if it's a boy, we get this crib and if it's a girl we get this crib." Maria's voice cut off my thoughts. She was pointing to two different cribs, one blue and one pink.

"Those are adorable. Have you two thought of names yet?" I asked curious.

"No. I've been thinking of names but the little one always kicks me if he or she doesn't like it." She said as I placed a hand onto her stomach to feel the baby kicking.

"That's just its way of telling you what its name wants to be." Alice said.

"I don't care. It gets what it gets and it doesn't pitch a fit- OW!" She said as the baby kicked a little too hard. "It's just like its father."

"It hurts to know that's how you think of me." Jasper said as he brought her a bottle of blood from the kitchen. Emmett and Wesley- Alice's mate- came through the door after him as Maria took a long gulp.

"I want it out." She said as Jasper sat next to her.

"You were the one who wanted a baby." He reminded her.

"I didn't think it would hurt this much!" She exclaimed while holding the bottle.

"You're going to be fine." Emmett said as he put a hand on her shoulder. She nodded and looked at the ceiling.

"Is this how my mother felt with me?" She asked still looking at the ceiling. I giggled with Alice a little.

"Yes. Yes it is." Said mother said as she came into the room. We all got into a protective line to stop her from getting too close. "I'm not going to hurt my daughter when she's pregnant with my grandchild."

"I don't care. You aren't permitted to be here. How do we know that you aren't here for a mission for Aro?" I asked as I moved a little closer to my sister-in-law.

"Like I would give this kind of information to my husband when my daughter is pregnant with a hybrid very much like her own." She fired back.

"Yeah, well you can go back to Italy. I'm not in the mood to fight." Maria said as she stepped next to Jasper. Said man pulled her closer as I almost saw the major come out.

"Fine. If you do not want me here I will take my leave." Maria's mother said as she looked at her daughter with her fiery red eyes and left in a blur.

"Thank god." Maria sighed and sat back down on the couch. Jasper chuckled with the guys and all of us girls glared at them as they went into the office for I have no clue.

Maria's POV

Everyone left about an hour ago and I was still looking at baby catalogs. I cried out in pain as the baby kicked a little too hard again and Jasper came running into the room in a blur.

"I want it out." I said through gritted teeth.

"You're the one who wanted it." He reminded me. I got up on my own surprisingly and got an ice pack from the freezer for the bruise on my swelled stomach.

"Now it's being a little bitch and won't let me sleep." I sat back down on the couch and leaned my head on Jasper's shoulder as I still looked through baby catalogs.

"Well try and get some sleep and if you wake up this time I will help you. Remember that." I nodded and fell asleep a few seconds later.    

Daughter, Lover and much moreحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن