Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Bella POV

Edward and I were at our spot in the meadow and the question has been swimming around my head since I met Maria. Why does she hate me?

"Edward, why does Maria hate me?" I asked suddenly and he sighed.

"She doesn't hate you.Just strongly dislikes you. She thinks that you're a nuance to the family and me. She hopes that her mother and I will get back together even though her mother's Aro's mate in the Voltori. Also, she just doesn't like you because she thinks you're the reason I haven't had any time for her since you came into my life. Maria just wants to have some father-daughter time once in a while but thinks you're too possessive over me." He explained and my eyes grew. That's why she hates me. I'll have to confirm it with her one day.

"If she wanted me to lay off she could have just asked me..." I trailed off and he sighed before grabbing me and placing me on his back before we ran back to my house.

Maria POV

"Jasper! Where's my hair brush?!" I yelled through the house and he ran into our bathroom and pointed to my hand with an amused expression on his face and I glared at him before brushing through my hair real fast before the others get here.

"You know, that has to take some blindness. And you call me the blonde." He said amused and I glared at him again before going to the kitchen and grabbing a water bottle and sitting on the counter as I heard the others here. I opened the door and Emmett and Alex came through the door first and they flopped on the couch in front of the flat screen TV and turned it on. Carlise and Esme came in next and I smiled at them. They smiled back as Rose and Alice came in and I rolled my eyes as Dad walked in.

I went back to the bathroom and lifted my shirt to show a little bump already. I felt it move a little and smiled. Jasper came in behind me and placed his hand on the bump and swallowed before looking at me. I was close to tears and called Carlise in. He and dad stopped in the doorway and looked at my small bump.

"Looks like you're already pregnant before we all thought." Carlise said and the four girls that were in the living room pushed past all three men and squealed with me.

"It's only been a week though..." I trailed off and he nodded.

"The most likely reason I can think of is that because you're already a hybrid that you're going to have a faster pregnancy than when you're pregnant with a hybrid. I would say two, three months at most." My eyes widened as big as saucers and Jasper put his arms around me.

"Are you saying that my child is going to have her own even before I get married...? Oh shit,we have to tell your mother." Dad said mortified. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"I can handle mom and Aro. Leave that to me." I said and everyone nodded before leaving the bathroom to where it was just Jasper and I.

Edward POV

My little girl was pregnant. I couldn't believe it. And the baby's going to be here before the wedding. Just great.

"What's wrong, Edward?" I heard Bella ask from her spot on her bed.

"It's nothing, just family problems. Nothing to worry about." I said and leaned down to kiss her head gently.

"Is it about Maria?"She asked gently and I nodded. She wrapped her arms around my torso and I wrapped mine around her waist. "Do you want to talk about it?" I nodded and she sat on her bed as I did the same.

"She's having a baby."She gasped but quickly covered her mouth with her hand. "Carlise expects it to be here before the wedding since she's already a hybrid and hybrid pregnancies are about seven to eight months faster than human. Especially since she's pregnant with Jasper's baby.I'm going to be a grandfather before I get married. Perfect." I added sarcastically.

"Hey, that means you get to have some time with the baby before we leave. Why aren't you happy about this, Edward? This is great for you and her." She said gently again and I sighed again before flopping down onto her bed pillows and she did the same.

Jasper POV

"Are you sure you want this baby?" I asked for probably the millionth time tonight and she always answers with the same answer.

"Yes, Jasper, we promised we would never give up this baby and I want it." She assured me as she cuddled into my chest. I put my arm around her waist and ran my hand up and down her spine making her shiver.

The rest of the family left a few hours ago and we promised Carlise that we would call if we needed anything.

"You know I love you,right? Both of you?" I asked Maria and she sighed.

"Yes, Jasper, I know that. We love you too." She said and placed my hand that was going up and down her back on her stomach to where you could feel the baby moving.

"You know we have to come up with names sooner or later." I said and she nodded before cuddling more into my chest if possible.

"We can do that tomorrow. I'm tired as crap." She said and soon enough she was asleep again. I sighed and placed a blanket over us and she sighed in delight in her sleep before cuddling even closer to me even if possible.

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