Chapter One

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Thousands of screaming fans stood before us in the audience in Winterland, San Francisco. Boston has been selling out every seat in the house and we sure are proud of it. First off, my name is Phyllis and I am a guitarist for the band Boston. The story of how I came to be in the band is a complicated one. My brother's best friend knew a man who knew me, and he knew a guy in Boston, and the guy in Boston heard me play guitar one night at a gig and I was hired. The "guy" in Boston was Brad Delp, a man whose voice I'd never heard before. There wasn't really an audition for me, they just kinda experimented with me at their next show and I guess I made the cut. This show in Winterland had to be the biggest one yet and I was enjoying every minute of it.  The stage lights shown down onto Brad's hair, turning it a pretty shade of orange. I played my solo of a few guitar riffs and ran to the mic to sing backup with Barry. A strong breeze blew across the stage, making my wild curls cover my face. I always got perms. I just couldn't imagine having straight and flat hair. I loved having big, curled, frizzy, permed hair. The whole stadium of people screamed and waved their arms as we started up 'More Than A Feeling'. It was the biggest hit on our first album. I started the song off with my basic guitar riffs and Brad sung lead while we waited out turn for backup. When it came time for my guitar solo, I threw my hair back and jammed like I never had before. I could see the smile on the guys faces. Barry winked and I stopped playing so Brad could sing. 

     After the show was over, we had many people come backstage with their passes. Mostly young hippie couples who wanted to get our autograph and tell us how much they loved us. I played a few chords from 'Peace Of Mind' for a young woman who asked how I could play guitar so well. I couldn't believe how far I'd come in such little time. It was just a few months ago that I'd been playing with my old band, 75 Times Groovy (I didn't suggest the name). Being on the road with Boston was the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I don't think anything will change that. 

     I'd signed about fifty autographs by the time we were assigned to get back on the tourbus. Our roadies rolled the big storage cases out that had the drums, mics, and clothes. All us guitarists stored our guitars in their cases and walked them out of the building. Being as I was always in a hurry, I was the first one to exit the building. The tourbus was parked at another venue across the street from us. I could see the flashing lights on the building's overhang reflecting off the bus. I sighed and sauntered down the street to the crosswalk. Just as I was about to walk onto the crosswalk, a man with blonde hair in a tight ponytail and a mustache grabbed my by the arms, causing me to drop my Les Paul onto the sidewalk. I thought I heard a snap come from inside the case, but I couldn't worry about that now. I saw a flash of the man's devilish grin, and that's all I remember.

     And that's basically the story of how I came to be in Dr. Righteous' prison for rock & rollers. None of the other members of Boston were caught but there's many other rock and rollers in here that I'm familiar with. There's Robert Kilroy from Styx, Peter Cetera from Chicago, Joe Elliott and Steve Clark from Def Leppard, Steve Smith from Journey, Peter Frampton, Angus Young from AC/DC, Paul Stanley from Kiss, Dee Snider from Twisted Sister, Ann Wilson from Heart, John Bonham from Led Zeppelin, Roger Taylor from Queen,  there's so many rockstars here that if I named them all I'd be here all day. But the thing that gets me is, they're not just rockstars. All people who are defying Dr. Righteous and playing records and playing rock and roll are put in the prison if they're caught. We're all forced to wear these ugly grey jumpsuits and there's scheduled times for everything: eating, showering, exercising, and then there's the times where you just sit in your prison cell and die of boredom. If you try singing and a roboto hears you, they schedule a punishment time for you. I've learned from other people's mistakes, that's why I don't sing. If I were to try, I'm sure my vocals would be horrible. I haven't sung in days. I walk through the plain grey hallways, guarded by my own personal roboto. It's lunchtime. . . time to eat more Dr. RIghteous fried chicken. Man, that stuff is nasty. I took it slow on the way to the eating area, I walked barely faster than my roboto. 

     "Ms. Sanders." My roboto gestured to the eating area. I took a seat next to some guy with long, curly blonde hair. I blushed scarlet when I found out who it was. It was no other than Peter Frampton. I should've checked who was sitting here before I chose the seat. He probably thinks I have a crush on him (not that that's totally inaccurate). My roboto handed me a box of fried chicken and I folded the lid back. The taste is utterly disgusting, but I was so hungry that I wolfed it all down.

     "You must be hungry." Peter remarked. I didn't reply to him, just sat there until the robotos said lunchtime was over. Dr. Righteous came on the screen giving us all the daily announcements. Several people were asleep. I don't blame them, his speeches are a big waste of time. 

     Back in my prison cell that night, I lay there and stared up at the grey popcorn ceiling. The prison was completely silent except for the faint tap tap sound of the robotos footsteps as they guarded our cells. 

     I was bored to the point of no return. I needed someone to talk to. "Hey roboto!" One of the robotos crossed the hallway to me cell and opened the gate. 


     "Ya got some smokes anywhere? I've been needing a good smoke. I haven't had one in a while."

     "I'm sorry. I do not comprehend." 

     "Never mind. Thanks for your help roboto." I heard a few laughs coming from the cells around me. I didn't know whose cells were next to mine but I guessed maybe that Kilroy dude's was because of the way his voice sounds when he speaks to his roboto. I laid back down onto the flat vinyl mattress and used my hand as a pillow. It took a couple hours but finally, sleep claimed me.

     Thanks for reading!:)

                                                                         ~~~**Peace and Love**~~~

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