Chapter Thirteen

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The others snuck in behind me, looking like they'd all just witnessed a murder.  

     "You're pregnant?" Jonathan asked, incredulous. "When did this happen?"

  Kilroy and the Wilson sisters were unusually silent, their faces a mask of fake disinterest. 

  "It happened at the factory, now we need to focus on our mission. Follow me and keep quiet!" I hissed. We crept along the walls which covered inch-by-inch in posters of Dr. Righteous. To the left of us were tables with stacks upon stacks of records on them. On the floor beneath us were dozens of albums from all assortments of artists. The Allman Brothers, The Bee Gees, Cat Stevens, Def Leppard, Carly Simon, The Beatles, Eric Clapton, and even a couple of Boston albums. Although we were in the middle of a crisis, I picked our first Boston album up and flipped it over. There, on the back, was a beautiful group shot of us all. I remember how the cameraman was barking at us to stand still and cross our arms, but Barry and I proceeded to hold hands behind Brad's back. Looking at the photo now, I could see where our arms met in a long V shape. Setting the album aside, I crawled the entire length of the wall until I reached the doorway I was looking for. Two door-length windows framed the large pine door in a perfect rectangle. I motioned for Kilroy to get on the other side of the door, and very cautiously, we peeked in. 

  A group of six Robotos were standing with the posture of a military man around a small teacher's desk. One of them was speaking, the lights on its head traveling the circumference of it each time he spoke a word. I couldn't catch what he was saying but it looked like he was giving some sort of orders to the Robotos around him. 

  Kilroy tapped me on the shoulder, breaking my concentration. He then pointed to the left side of the room and nodded. 

  Scanning the room, I found what he wanted me to see. In the back left corner was a man. A man with long curly blonde hair and a small beaklike nose. His hands were tied to a pipe behind his back that ran from ceiling to floor. Upon further inspection, I realized that this man was none other than Lou Gramm of Foreigner. Suddenly, the Robotos started towards him and cut the rope around his wrists. Two of the Robotos then pulled him to his feet and escorted him right towards the. . . Oh no! They were heading straight for us! We needed to move, and fast. 

  Jonathan, who I hadn't realized was watching, pulled me back towards him and shoved me to my feet. 

     "Go!" He whisper-yelled. I scrambled to my feet and followed Kilroy into a nearby supply closet. Jonathan and the Wilson sisters crammed into it with us. We were shoulder to shoulder, back to back, not even an inch of space between us. 

     "Shhh." Kilroy warned me to be quiet. Despite my efforts to regulate my breathing, my breath came out in loud wheezes. Kilroy placed his hand flat over my mouth to silence me. We now had to stay silent and wait until we knew the Robotos had left the building. 

  It was agonizing, and since the door was solid, we had to solely rely on our hearing. The sound of a door shutting reached us, and Kilroy got Jonathan's attention, letting him know that he was to crack open the door and see if the coast was clear.

  Jonathan cracked open the door while Kilroy removed his hand from my mouth. I exhaled in relief and grasped Jonathan's hand. He opened the door all the way, showing us there were no Robotos in sight. 

     "What now, Captain?" Jonathan asked with a smile. 

  I glanced down at our interlocked hands, grinning. "Now we go and save Lou from those Robotos." Then I dashed out of the building in pursuit of the robots that controlled the world. 

  It didn't take long to find them. They were two blocks away, leading Lou towards some kind of wooden platform which, on further inspection, turned out to be gallows. There were two nooses hanging down from one horizontal beam which was raised above the single horizontal platform. If there was one thing I knew, it was that I couldn't let one of the best rock musicians of the decade die like this. I led the others up to the stairs leading up to the platform. I went under it and the others followed me, careful to steer clear of the hole Lou would soon fall through if we weren't quick enough. Scuffling could be heard from above. I knew they were putting the noose around his neck and getting him onto the stool. It was time to make a move. 

  Without the approval of the others, I ran out from the cover the platform provided and charged up the steps, taking them two at a time. The Robotos turned to see where all the commotion was coming from and immediately hobbled towards me. Nancy came up the stairs then and put her fists into a ready fighting position. 

     "Get him down from there!" I screeched at the Robotos. 

     "Prisoner identified. Phyllis Smith. Imprison immediately." Was the Robotos answer. He hobbled towards me at his fastest pace, which let me tell you, is pretty dang fast when you're on a ten foot gallows platform. I had just enough time to sidestep out of his way. 

     "Yes! I am the dreaded Phyllis Smith! And these are my friends! Once prisoners of yours, but now they're free! Just like the rest of the prisoners we rescued! We killed all of your Roboto friends too. The whole thing worked out quite well actually-"

     "Missing prisoner. Barry Goudreau. Please inform where he is." 

  That stopped me dead in my tracks. Barry. My Barry. "He's- He's-" I couldn't bring myself to say it. But finally I mustered up enough strength. "He's dead." It came out as a mere whisper.

     "Please repeat."

  MY frustration was rising, about to blow like the cork on a champagne bottle. "He's dead," I said firmly. "He's dead because of you." I gave the Roboto the most menacing glare I could muster, and launched myself at it, colliding with its torso. 

  I used my left foot to launch myself off of the other Roboto next to him, but my plan backfired. Instead of the momentum working in my favor and allowing me to take out another Roboto, it caused me to go flying across the whole platform with the Roboto still with me. 

  Before I realized what was happening, I was tumbling down the stairs with a Roboto the weight of two grown men on top of me. At the bottom, we plummeted into the ground, his weight crushing the air from my lungs. That was all I remembered. 

Thanks for reading!:)

                                                                            ~~~**Peace and Love**~~~

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