Chapter Three

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As soon as I slipped out of the cell, I slid the "door" shut quietly behind me and made my way to Kilroy's cell next door. His clicked open and I led him to Dr. Righteous' office.

     "What are you doing Phyllis? This is his office!"

     "I know what I'm doing." I opened the door of Dr. Righteous' office and grabbed my clothes out of a slot in the wall. I tossed Kilroy the clothes that were under the label 'Robert Kilroy'. "Here. Put these on. And don't turn around until I tell you." I stripped out of the ugly grey jumpsuit and into my bellbottoms and Boston shirt. I didn't know why he kept all of our belongings but I sure was glad then, because there leaning in the corner was my Les Paul. I grabbed the handle on the case and pulled Kilroy out of Dr. Righteous' office by his hand. 

     "We're gonna need to take down a couple robotos and use their suits as disguises." He whispered.

     "Good idea! I'll take the one in wing A and you take wing B." I ran down the hallway to my right, guitar in hand. My wrist was starting to ache from the weight of it but I ignored the pain and used the guitar case as a weapon to wreck the Roboto's wiring. I gathered the suit in my arms and ran back down the hallway to find Kilroy. He was already dressed in a full Roboto suit. Hurriedly, I sey my guitar on and jumped into the Roboto suit, putting the mask over my face last. I could feel the temperature already rising in the few seconds I'd been the suit. 

     "Where to now?" He asked.

    "Well, first of all, we can't talk otherwise they'll realize we're fake, two, we can't walk too close together, and three, we look for Jonathan Chance." I tried my best to walk like a Roboto when one came around the corner. I hid the guitar behind my back as it passed. Letting out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding, I swung the guitar back in front of me and ran down the hallway to get out of the prison at a quicker pace. Finally, we came to a door and I took the keys out from my belt. kilroy kept watch as I fumbled with the keys, trying to find the right one. Five keys later, it clicked in the lock and I pushed the door open after retrieving the loop of keys. "Come on Kilroy!" We came to a metal ladder and I ushered him onto the rungs first. I followed right behind him. He paused for a few seconds to lift his mask and see how far we had left to climb. 

      "About five more steps Phyllis!" He whisper-yelled down to me. 

    "Alright!" I replied. We got to the top of the ladder and emerged into the black of night. The starry night above us was blocked out by a large hovercraft that flew overhead. Kilroy and I ducked down as far as we could. They didn't come back for us so I don't think they spotted us. Kilroy made a burned a symbol into one of Dr. Righteous' banners with a pen-like device that reminded me of The Doctor's sonic screwdriver from the 1960s Doctor Who episodes. He slid open a heavy metal door and we emerged into the shadows of. . . a stage! We were in an auditorium backstage. We stepped into the light and had a look around. A banner above the stage read "Dr. Righteous' Museum Of Rock Pathology. Two mannequins came to life when we came near them. I gasped when I saw what the one on the left was. It was an exact replica of Kilroy, only he was continually hitting a young man over the head with a Stratocaster guitar. The young man yelled something along the lines of, "Stop That Filth!" And then the young man appeared to fall over. If he were a real person and not a mannequin he sure would've. 

     "Kilroy, did you really do this?" I took a step away from him. 

     "No! Did you commit any crimes when you were with Boston? No! Dr. Righteous is just making this up so people will believe that rock n' roll is inferior!" His voice ran through the whole place, mixing with the sound of the mannequins recording. We both jumped back into the shadows when we heard footsteps. I took off my mask and we both shared a look when we saw who it was:  young blonde-haired man with a grey vest. It was no other than Jonathan Chance. The man walked right onto the stage and ripped the guitar from mannequin Kilroy's hands. The recording cut off immediately. Kilroy stepped out of the shadows and said, "Jonathan Chance." The man spun around raised the guitar over his head like he was going to hit Kilroy over the head with it.

    "Careful Kilroy!" I yelled frantically. Kilroy removed his mask and the man stared at him.

     "Kilroy." Jonathan spoke. I dropped my guitar, removed the sweaty Roboto suit from my body, and ran to where they stood, staring at each other. 

     "Are you Jonathan Chance?" I asked.

     "The one and only. Who are you young lady?" 

     "I'm Phyllis, formerly in the band Boston.

     "It's nice to meet you Phyllis." He smiled. "Now, onto more important matters. How did you two escape, and how are you planning on escaping? There's Robotos patrolling the borders everywhere."

I stepped forward. "We can run faster than they can. And we have Roboto suits if it comes down to that again. We should get going so no one catches us in here."

     "We will. But first I need to go get a friend of mine. He's waiting just outside." Jonathan says. I bit my nails and waited for him to get his "friend". It was painstakingly long, waiting there with Dennis. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Jonathan comes walking back towards us with a figure trailing behind him. From the bit I could see of the new person, they looked familiar. The person stepped to the write of Jonathan and I gasped. It was Barry my old bandmate!

     "Barry what are you doing here?" I ran over to him and threw my arms around his neck before pulling his head down to my level and covering his lips with mine. 

     "I heard a man named Dr. Righteous was capturing big time rock n' rollers so when you went missing, the guys and I concluded that's where you went off to. I set out to try and find you and I met this young man over here," He gestured in Jonathan's direction. "He was looking for a man named Kilroy and I tagged along to see if I could find you anywhere, and now here you are! I've missed you so much Phyllis." As soon as he finished his spiel, I pulled him into another tender kiss and Kilroy cleared his throat. 

     "I don't wanna break anything up here, but you might wanna see who decided to join us." Kilroy warned. Barry and I whipped around at the same time. There standing behind us was no other than Dr. Righteous himself along with his two disciples. I grabbed Barry's arm and we sprinted out of the theatre right behind Kilroy and Jonathan.

        Thanks for reading!:)

                                                                      ~~~**Peace and Love**~~~

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