Chapter Seven

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I woke Rick and Kilroy up before there was even a trace of light visible in the sky. They got to their feet and looked around groggily.

     "What time is it?" Rick asked, his voice hoarse.

     "I don't know, I'm guessing about five in the morning." I shrugged. "Come on. We've gotta get going." I walked to the stairwell and heard the other's footsteps echoing on the floor. My sneakers made loud smacking noises on the stairs as I ran down them. The others were right on my tail.

     "Why are we going so fast?" Rick asked between breaths.

     "it's gonna take more than two days to get there. Who knows what Dr. Righteous could do in that time. I hope he doesn't try to do any of those experiment stunts that he tried on me." I replied, reaching the bottom of the stairwell and jogging out the exit.

     "Experiments?" Ricks foot got caught on a rise in the floor and he face-planted on the cement outside. 

     Kilroy looked behind him. "You alright kid?" 

     Rick stood up and brushed the dust from his pants. "Yeah." I was waiting outside, my arms crossed and my foot tapping. 

     "Are you two ready yet?" Kilroy gave me a thumbs up and I led them through the city at a brisk walk. "We should stop and rest for a couple hours when the sun goes down so we can get at least some of our energy back. I'm planning on stopping in Nottingham tonight."

     Rick glanced my way with an incredulous look on his face. "Nottingham? That's nearly thirty miles from here!"

     "I know, that's why we should stop gabbing and get walking." When I turned my back, I could almost feel the face that Rick made at me. 

  After fifteen more hours of walking, we came upon a road sign that read Nottingham, England. I sighed in relief and ushered the others a little farther. The night sky was full of beautiful stars above us. I studied the constellations as I walked and spotted Orion's Belt. A Semi passed behind us, its lights reflecting off the road sign and nearly blinding each one of us. I blinked the pain away and moved on. I stopped at a gnarled bush on the side of the road and yelled back to them, "Let's stop here for a couple hours! Then we'll be a third of the way to the prison!" They didn't seem to register what I'd said ; just the part about stopping for a few hours. I smiled and laid down next to Kilroy, watching the stars above me. Every once in awhile a bat zipped over my head and blotted out the stars for a split second. It reminded me of the days when I used to visit my family's cabin and we'd sit out on the deck for hours watching the bats until the mosquitos got too unbearable. My parents have long since passed away from lung cancer and melanoma but I still remember those days like they were yesterday. My sister committed suicide the night after the funerals. And now, being separated from my band, I felt more alone than ever. I didn't think twice about it when I interlaced my fingers with Kilroy's and rested my head on his shoulder. He didn't protest, only turned his face towards me with a grin and fell asleep. 

  The bright yellow sun woke me. I shot up and sprang to my feet, new energy mixed with anxiety and anger. We'd overslept! The night before I'd made a promise to myself that I wouldn't let this happen and now look where it got us! 

     "Everybody up! We've gotta get a move on!" I nudged Kilroy with the toe of my shoe and he gently shook Rick and Barry to wake them.

  Within moments, I had three groggy-faced men standing before me, waiting for my directions.

     "Come on! If we start now without stopping, we should be able to reach the prison before dark." I started onto the pavement with a renewed energy inside of me. I was determined to get those guys out. 

  Just as the blood orange sun was beginning to set, I saw the outline of the prison silhouetted against it. I picked up my pace and led to others over several hills before stopping behind a small bush, which would be our only cover for a while. 

     "Shall we call it a day?" I asked, glancing at the three exhausted men around me. "We can sleep in tomorrow since we're already so close to the prison." 

     "That sounds great." Kilroy replied. They were asleep in minutes. 

  That night, it was harder for me to get to sleep. I worried, contemplating what the day ahead would have in store for us. Would we get Steve and Joe out safely, or would we get caught again and become prisoners? I knew fretting about it wouldn't do me good and with much reluctance, I closed my eyes and let what would happen, happen.

  As soon as the sun was up in the sky, I waited for the guards to retire within the prison walls before I woke the others. 

     "We should get going while we still have the light."

  Kilroy furrowed his brows. "Shouldn't we break in when it's dark out so we won't be seen?"

     "That was my original plan, but I think it'll be less risky if we break in when there's no guards patrolling the perimeter, don't ya think?"

  His forehead creased as if he was deep in though but then, finally, he nodded his head and began following the rest of us towards the prison. 

     "We should go in the door we escaped out of." I creeped along the side of the building like a detective on those old movies from the 60s. Kilroy, Barry, and Rick followed close behind me. We heard a door open, and froze. There were footsteps and I wondered if they'd seen us approach. There was a pause and then the door closed once again. I let out a breath and reached the door I wanted. Kilroy went in front of me, nodded slightly, and turned the handle. The door creaked open. We were in.

        Thanks for reading!:)

                                                                    ~~~**Peace and Love**~~~

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