Chapter Eight

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I slipped through the door first, Kilroy and Rick followed suit. I waved them along as we came to a split in the hallway. I led them left and spotted rows of cells ahead. I chose correctly. If we were lucky, Joe and Steve would both be in their cells right now and the Robotos would be off duty. It was cell time for the prisoners by the looks of it. Ann Wilson gripped the bars to her cell and looked at me with pleading eyes. I held up a finger to her and nodded. I'd help her escape along with Steve and Joe. 

     "Do you remember where Steve and Joe's cells were?" I asked Kilroy over my shoulder. Kilroy pointed to cell 5A and I jogged towards it. A man with long, wild blonde hair looked up at me. I recognized him as Steve Clark. "Kilroy! Get the keys out of Dr. Righteous' office!" I hissed. "Rick, try and find Joe's cell!" Rick took off down the hall and waved me over when he spotted him. "Kilroy please hurry up." I breathed, barely audible. He sprinted down the corridor towards us, his feet slamming the cement as he went. "What's wrong?" I fretted. He didn't answer. There was a Roboto not far back. I grabbed the keys out of Kilroy's hands and shoved one of the keys in the lock. . . nothing. I tried the next one. Click. I threw the door open and Joe ran out. I used the same key on Steve's and Ann's cells and they followed us out. It was a wild goose chase. We had three Robotos trying to catch us, and we were trying to find our way out of the maze of hallways.

  Finally, I saw a bright red sign above a door that read EXIT. We made a beeline for it and slammed the door in the Roboto's face. We didn't stop running until the prison was out of sight and we could run no more. The others lay on the ground, red-faced around me. I leaned heavily on my knees and attempted to catch my breath. My lungs screamed in agony. 

     "It's good to see you again Rick." Joe said between breaths. 

     "Yeah. You too." I smiled, they were finally reunited. Now Def Leppard could help bring back rock n' roll. 

     "We should rest for a few hours then start back towards Sheffield. Jonathan is depending on us. Does anyone have any money on them? We could get him some painkillers with it." Barry and Rick were the only ones I was counting on to have cash. They checked their pockets and pulled out fifteen total. 

     "That should buy him some, with money left over. Thanks guys." I nodded and laid down, exhausted. Kilroy took my hand in his only moments before I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep. 

  A hand shook my shoulder sometime later. "You might wanna get up. It's been quite a few hours." I saw the sun was starting to set over the hills. Kilroy helped me to my feet and I brushed the stray strands of grass from my clothes. 

     "Ready?" Rick asked. He seemed eager to get Joe and Steve back home. A few miles into our journey, I noticed Steve hadn't uttered a single word. Maybe he missed his friends. If ya ask me, he just looked plain depressed. 

     "Are you alright?" He held my eyes for a moment but then went back to staring at the ground. 

     "Thanks for getting us out." Those were the last words I heard from him that day.

  We continued over miles of rolling hills and the flat paved blacktops of the occasional town. One more day's hike and we'd be in Sheffield once again.

  The next day, the six of us were on the verge of keeling over, when we saw the sign for Sheffield. Joe and Rick trekked double time as if they'd just drank a gallon of caffeine.  Kilroy, Ann, and I brought up the rear at a much slower pace. The Sheffield Town hall got larger with each step I took. Soon we were upon it. 

     "Which way was it Rick?" I stopped at a crosswalk while he studied the landscape. Long lines of cars passed us as Rick tried to figure out which way the factory was. 

     "Which way was what?" Joe asked, coming up to stand next us. 

     "The old factory where we used to rehearse with Pete." Rick replied. "I'm almost positive it's to the left," He shrugged. "Oh well. We'll see where it leads us." He led us to the left and sure enough, there it was, the factory where Jonathan and Barry were waiting for us to return. Kilroy and I picked up our pace as we got closer, eager to see how Jonathan was faring. We opened the door to the factory and sprinted up the stairs, me in front and the rest of them right on my tail. 

     "Barry! Jonathan! We're back!" I yelled as we scaled the stairs. Jonathan was standing to the left of me with Barry just at his side. I pulled Barry into my arms and buried my head in his shoulder. "It's so good to see you!" Kilroy went straight to Jonathan and made sure he was alright. 

     "So, what next?" Joe asked, clearly feeling out of place. 

     "Well, next we bring back rock n' roll." I stood on top of an old desk and placed my hands on my hips. 

     "How are ya planning on doing that?" Barry asked with wide eyes.

     "First of all, we need to find Rick Allen and Phil Collen," Steve perked up at the sound of his friend's name. "Then we need to find a way to steal a car and take over Dr. Righteous' prison. We can find the rest of Boston and anyone we can find to help us. Ann, do you know where your sister is?"

     "Last I heard, she was doing a show in upstate New York, but that was a while ago. I have no idea." 

  I smiled mischievously. "Guys, we're gonna go steal a plane ticket." I saw all of them exchange glances with each other. 

     "Wait, how-" I put a finger over Barry's mouth. 

     "Shh." Then I bounded over to the window and jumped out. 

             Thanks for reading!:)

                                                                                  ~~~**Peace and Love**~~~

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