Chapter Fifteen

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  We reached Phoenix in just over half a day. I crossed over the city border, leaving the saguaro cacti behind, and welcoming the skyscrapers that stood on either side of me.

     "We're here!" I called out, causing my sleeping friends to stir.

     "Where's here?" Jonathan asked with a yawn.

     "Phoenix, Arizona, dummy! Where else?" We continued on that road through the city, constantly on the lookout for more recording studios like the last two we'd encountered.

     "There!" Kilroy pointed towards the right side of the windshield where, upon closer inspection, a recording studio stood.

     "Good eye, Kilroy." I pulled the GTO into a parking space and killed the engine. My gang hopped out of the car and sidled up to the studio, waiting patiently for me to catch up.

  Just as the others entered the studio, Kilroy placed both his hands on my upper arms. "Are you alright?"

     "Yeah, why?"

     "You've been going a little slower than usual, I've noticed."

     "I'm fine," I smiled to reassure him. "Come on. Let's go kick some Roboto butt!" I punched his arm and dashed into the studio.

  It was much like the last two we'd been to. Assortments of different artist's records littered the floor and the whole place looked trashed. Light Roboto speech drifted from a room next to us. I held my index finger to my lips in a "be quiet" gesture and snuck along the wall until we reached the room. I crept up to the doorway about ready to peek in, when I came face-to-face with a Roboto.

     "Prisoner identified. Phyllis Smith." He reached for me and I leaped out of his way, getting a cramp in my stomach in the process. I crumpled to the floor, gripping my abdomen. Kilroy knelt next to me while Jonathan and the Wilson sisters made somewhat of a barricade around us. More Robotos filed out of the room, pointing guns right at us. The Robotos shoved Jonathan and the Wilson sisters out of the way. A sharp pain erupted in my abdomen and a loud pang sounded. I looked down towards my stomach where a large red stain was growing. My head went faint and I fell into Kilroy before blacking out.

                                                                                                  *  *  *

  I hadn't left Phyllis's side since the fight. We'd encountered a great loss. Ann had died from a direct shot to the head, Jonathan was bruised up, and Phyllis was unconscious, the only sign of life being her shallow breaths every few seconds. Nancy sat crouched next to her sister with her head in her lap, crying silent tears onto her fallen sister's body. Only now experiencing this,can I begin to imagine what the soldiers in Vietnam must've gone through. Immediately after the fight I'd bandaged Phyllis' wound with Jonathan's vest, keeping pressure on it until the bleeding slowed. Even now, a small amount of blood trickled from the wound and soaked into the makeshift bandage.

     "Come on Phyllis. Don't leave me now. We've still got ten states to get through. You're strong, you can do this." But my voice was breaking; I could tell the others knew I didn't believe what I was saying. The gunshot wound had gone straight through her abdomen, automatically killing the new life that was growing inside of her. With that thought in mind, I laid down next to her and let my tears fall freely onto the bloodstained cement beneath me. Jonathan left Nancy's side and took a seat next to me on the ground, eyeing up the red stain on Phyllis' shirt that was steadily growing larger the longer we sat there. 

     "Do you think she's going to make it?" He asked, looking me in the eyes. Instead of answering, I simply turned towards Phyllis and took her cold, clammy hand in mine, praying she'd somehow get through this. 

*  *  *

  Jonathan had called the police a few minutes ago; they'd just now reached the recording studio, the bright lights of their sirens making abstract images on the wall. I squeezed her hand harder and waited for the officers to take her away. Nancy finally found the courage to leave her sister's lifeless body behind, wiping her tears on with her sleeve and coming to kneel by my side. The sheriff, a big, burly man with stubble on his chin, helped his colleagues lift Phyllis onto a stretcher and roll her out of the building and into the ambulance.

  We were all so caught up in our own grief, we didn't realize the fatal mistake Jonathan had made when he called the police; we were wanted fugitives. Dr. Righteous would stop at nothing to capture us and bring us back to the prison where he'd experiment on us with God knows what. I chided myself for being so stupid, before rushing out of the studio and to the ambulance where I'd, hopefully, be able to rescue Phyllis. I didn't doubt for a minute that these police were in cahoots with Dr. Righteous; his personal spies. 

  Jonathan lunged after me, evidently realizing the danger he'd put us all in. Together we took down the sheriff, delivering a few punches to his face that knocked him out cold. His accomplices heard the commotion outside the ambulance and hopped out of the vehicle to investigate. By now, Nancy had emerged from the studio and now stood next to us, awaiting the fight that would unfold only moments later. I could tell they were both trying their best to convince themselves that this fight wouldn't end up like the last one; I found myself doing the same.

  And just like that, three officers appeared in front of us. Nancy was the first to make a move, throwing a punch in the first officer's face and disarming him soon after. The other two officers trained their gun on the three of us. The one closest to us went into a fit of unbridled laughter. The one on his right on the other hand, looked very solemn, his finger ready to pull the trigger if he needed to. 

     "Get in the car," the solemn one growled. The other officer seemed to wisen up, his face becoming a mask of seriousness and anger. 

     "If you think we're going to give ourselves up that easy, you must be crazy," I challenged. 

  The officer to the right took this as a challenge; he stepped forward and pointed the barrel of his gun right between my eyes. "Wanna say that again, Robert?" 

  Hearing my first name come out of his traitorous mouth made me flinch. I didn't understand why these people would suddenly be so eager to kill rock n' roll and submit to Dr. Righteous' rule. Jonathan moved forwards so he was standing at my side. I saw the warning note in his eyes; he knew we had to give up and get in the ambulance, or face imminent death. 

  I took a deep breath in to calm my nerves and said, "Fine. Open up the doors. We'll go."

  Both of the officers smiled, reveling in their victory. "Smart choice, Robert." He opened the double-doors on the ambulance and shoved all three of us inside where Phyllis lay, still on the stretcher. 

  I immediately rushed to her side and held her hand, noting it was even clammier than before; we didn't have much time left. 

     "It'll be okay, Kilroy. She's a strong girl." The confidence in Jonathan's voice almost brought me to tears. 

     "I hope so, kid. I really hope so."

                  Thanks for reading!:)

                                                                   ~~~**Peace and Love**~~~

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