Chapter 3

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It was a new day for both Mikey and Pete. A new chance for Mikey to talk with Pete. He had to do that. He must do that, because if he's not gonna do that now, when is he gonna do it?

It was weird but cute at the same time.

Mikey took air and telling himself good things, he walked through the corridor looking for Pete. Weird, no Pete, nowhere.

It was stressing him out. Mikey was just looking for the boy he liked just to interact with him. Why the universe would hate him that much just to not let him talk to Pete?

The whole situation seemed to get worse and worse. Everyone was staring at him like at a freak. Small Mikey, he was so innocent and sensitive but strong and brave at the same time, no way Pete's typo.

One more time, he stared at Pete's locker in the hope to find him. Lucky one. Pete was right there grabbing his books.

Mikey's cheeks turned out red. It was so cute, just the way he was obsessed with Pete made him look so cute. Poor Mikey, so smol and cute.

He took another deep breath and walked as fast as he could till Pete just to say hi.

"Hi! " mikey shouted trying to not blush even he didn't want tho.

"Oh..." Pete said turning his head on mikey's direction "Hello" he smiled sweet making mikey's heart break.

"So, uhm, again thank you so much for you know, for the thing you have done" he said almost mumbling as the pressure grew. He was sweating.

It was confusing but cute at the same time. It was something different and unique. So pure, so perfect. Pete was in love with it.

"What do u mean? " Pete asked pretty amused. "why would u say thank you?" He asked nearly laughing. Pete was just playing with his mind. With his thoughts. It was weird, it was just frustrating, but Miket didn't figure it out, yet.

"Because... you... helped me" mikey mumbled. A feeling took his mind. He was crying, he was crying because he thought Pete is gonna do the same thing as the others. He thought he's gonna bully him over and over again. Mickey was right somehow, but wrong too. He was just paranoid.

"Well, it's not clear? " Pete laughed making Mikey feel more awkward. "I had to do that because nobody deserves this so"

Mickey nodded. He wanted to spend more time with Pete but the paranoia just "killed" him. He was mad, mad at himself that he never does what he is supposed to. He passes it, forgets, ignores, but not anymore. He had to do something this time. Something needed.

But things are shaping up to be pretty different.

"So, do you have any plans for tonight? " Pete asked coughing. "Try and be normal this time" he told himself.

That's so hilarious because both each other likes themselves. So nice.

"No I don't. " mikey mumbled again just because of his emotions. He was so nervous. So worried that he's gonna say something shitty as always. So worried that Pete is gonna leave him away. So worried.

"Cool, then, would like, I don't know, spend some time with me watching something like a movie? " Pete said staring deep into Mikey's eyes just to make him say yes, and it worked. Pete can control someone just by staring into their eyes. That was considered a power somehow. He liked it.

Mikey took another deep breath and looked at his hands analysing the situation. He nodded.

Pete smiled sweety and hugged Mikey whispering a small "see ya then". Mikey died inside. Was that the reality? Or just a thing that was just in his mind? It was weird and confusing.
Mikey was bipolar, and Pete had a small problem with his multiple personalities which always caused only problems. He had like 5 sides, 5 fucking different sides which always harmed emotionally others. He had this rhythm on hurting people which had a crush on him, the first step being nice to them n actually invite them somewhere.

He knew that mikey had a crush on him but something inside him that was just, was just telling him that that's not good.

"Why are you doing this? " number 1 asked running through the corridors while Pete was just walking. "Aren't you enough happy with hurting others? "

That was the truth, Pete was just a motherfucker which loved hurting others. Straight? Not really. Gay? Nope. Bisexual? Nah. But what was him? His pansexuality tricked so many people.

He didn't even look similar to something straight which was such a good thing. Pete was a weird kid with multiple personalities but a big heart.

He never knew what was true love and his life seemed to not show him yet. I said yet.

Time skipped. It was that moment of the night. Mikey grabbed his bag and easy left the house.

Sudden his brother grabbed him. He was worried.

"What are you fucking doing? " mikey yelled shaking violently in the hope of "escaping". "Let me go"

"Just, let me tell you something. This guy isn't what he seems to be" Gerard mumbled looking into mikey's eyes. He was just worried that Pete is gonna hurt his little brother. It was fucked up.

"I'll be fucking good" mikey said hugging him tight. He knew his brother was just really protective. He knew it and accepted it.

It was just too cute, but mikey felt too guilty. Cutting doesn't sounds that good huh? Yeah, mikey used to self harm until he met Ray, Bob and Frank. They were his only friends along with Gerard which always just cared so much about him.

Mikey wasn't that alone as he thought. He was a happy person and actually really lucky to have them.

But Pete, Pete was something different. A complicated person that even seemed to be nice, he was just that "hard" to make it happy. He was cool and funny but inside him just darkness could be seen along with suicidal thoughts and self harm wishes. The tattoos were the reason Pete wasn't cutting himself. He loved the pain so much that he didn't cared getting another tattoo anymore.

Pete was dark compared to mikey which even seemed dark he was just colourful. It wasn't his fault, his multiple personalities fucked him up, just them, just, them.

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